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How the Digital Age Changed SMEs

Remote Workmate
How the Digital Age Changed SMEs

The digital age has transformed not only how businesses are perceived but also how they are run. It brought about a move from using traditional methods to those enabled by information technology.

The continued popularity of the cloudbig datasocial media, and mobile phones, in particular, prompted brands to adopt these innovations. All of this is done to not be left behind by the trends and to appeal to different generations.

Presently, digital tools are used in every aspect of a business—from management to production. This shift is felt across industries and has:

  • Changed customer service;
  • Boosted competency, and;
  • Pushed global expansion.

It would be a massive mistake for small-to-medium enterprises to ignore digital technology.

What Kind of Changes Are We Seeing?

How the Digital Age Changed SMEs

Faster Service

Many of the conveniences we enjoy today are due to advances in tech. These include but are not limited to quick and easy flight bookings, bills payment and online shopping. The pace and speed we expect have never been as high as they are now, but they’re not going to stop there.

Smarter Payments

With the introduction of mobile credit card readers, gardeners, plumbers, dog washers and other mobile small businesses are now able to collect payments on site. Banking apps also help in dealing with customers and suppliers, allowing for immediate money transfers.

Higher Expectations

Items that generally take time to prepare, such as a custom wedding cake, are a norm for customers to order today. They want something similar to what they saw on social media, and they want it now. Some establishments have modified their processes and systems to accommodate such demands.

How the Digital Age Changed SMEs

Wider Reach

The advent of social media has allowed businesses in one country to appeal to those in another with just one post. Facebook marketing and influencers didn’t exist in the past, but they’re everywhere these days and bring in more clients than a billboard ever could.

Closer Customer Relations

Technology has enabled SMEs to offer 24-hour customer service and open online stores. Businesses can gather feedback and data more efficiently to use for future advertising campaigns too. Meanwhile, clients can quickly receive resolutions to issues through offshore virtual assistant services live chat or call at any time or day.

Smoother Collaboration

It started with instant messaging software and email, which made it possible for enterprises to share information and work together with other vendors. Now, there are project management platforms like Basecamp, Slack and Trello that make disseminating information and giving updates a breeze.

How the Digital Age Changed SMEs

Bigger Talent Pool

SMEs used to struggle with attracting quality remote IT staffing, candidates to fill in vacancies since they didn’t have the reach or appeal of significant players. With tech bringing flexible work options and better project management, companies can now hire skilled remote assistants on the other side of the world.

Better Management

Using machine learning and artificial intelligence, HR software solutions automate routine tasks like monitoring payroll, and filing leave forms. This has made it possible for a single remote virtual assistant to handle income computations on their own.

Greater Start-up Costs

Most innovations don’t come cheap, so businesses have to spend more when they startup. They’ll need network infrastructures, phone lines and computers, among other equipment. But with bootstrapping and offshore virtual assistant services staffing, they can use personal gadgets to begin a venture.

How the Digital Age Changed SMEs

More Time

Certain technological advances are freeing up entrepreneurs so they can focus on drumming up new ideas or connecting with strategic partners. Scheduling software like Calendly also enables them to book video meetings and virtual assistants in the Philippines employee training with just a few clicks and even get reminders.

What Should SMEs Do About This?

You should realise by now that there’s an urgent need to adopt digital tools in your operation, especially if you run an SME. Bear in mind that it may be challenging when you start using them. Having a strategy is crucial as you wouldn’t want to jump in the deep end without proper planning.

How the Digital Age Changed SMEs

So, where should you start?

  • Begin with setting concrete goals that encompass where you want to go and what kind of results you want to achieve. This will narrow down the list of innovations you should adopt as well as maximise your investment and efforts.

  • Digitise your current value streams little by little. It’s not necessary to give your systems a complete overhaul in one night; do things one step at a time. For instance, you can start accepting credit cards or hire a remote virtual assistant for an essential but mundane task.

  • Monitor the performance and usage of the tools you’re adopting. Some may work wonders, while others may need to be replaced with better options. Don’t be deceived by how easy it can be to acquire the tech; consider if they’re helping your business.

As a small-to-medium enterprise, there’s little choice but to go where the customers are, making digital adoption inevitable. Providing your audience or clients with IT-enabled mediums to connect with you is vital in this digital age.

Technology will only become more ingrained in our society, so make a conscious effort to change your marketing strategies to accommodate the shift today.


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