The need for quality assurance only continues to grow when companies seek to enhance their brand value – ensuring services and products excellence in a multi-tiered environment.

In a web development agency, dedicated software developers may take appropriate measures and use the latest technology stack, but without a QA engineer’s support they cannot assure a seamless product launch.

Essentially, finding and fixing bugs is vital to pitch why your product is a good choice – with a high degree of accuracy, quality, speed, and scalability.

Having been navigating through the software development and maintenance for about 20 good years, we have developed a detailed, systematic process for the quality assurance team.

QA process is mandatory to measure, diagnose and prevent the software risk in mission-critical systems. It not only guarantees enhanced product quality, but reduced costs as well. For instance, in software development, you cannot deny the fact that the cost of fixing a bug reported in the production stage is 12-15 hours compared to 4-5 hours of the effort for the bug found in the coding stage.

Early defect detection helps early fixes.
Defect detecting system or tools may help finding the errors, documenting them, and providing fixes for them. However, these errors cannot be prevented by simply logging them into the provided tool/system – despite this is the first step forward to software risk prevention.

5-stage testing process to prevent software defects.
First of all, it’s necessary for developers to perform unit testing. In the software quality assurance process, testers usually do not perform unit testing. You need not to engage dedicated testers for this just like the big tech giant Facebook that relies on its skilled developers to evaluate their own work – from writing unit tests to run them each time the software builds or upgrades.

Then expert QA personnel should:

  1. Analyze the software requirements properly
  2. Perform all testing techniques step by step
  3. Perform regression testing after each deployment
  4. Focus on optimization and performance testing techniques
  5. Use tool to measure the security testing to avoid hacks

If there are continuous changes by the client, you need to break the project into phases and define features phase wise.

Pro Tip:

Develop prototypes to better comprehend the functionalities you need in your software solution for web and mobile.

Wrap Up:
Defects detection and prevention is a framework that encompasses an ongoing process of collecting the flawed data, finding and analyzing the root cause, determining and implementing the appropriate solutions and sharing the lessons learned to avoid future defects.

Everything becomes effective and error-free when your software solution undergoes this quality assurance process. This process involves a well-structured problem-solving methodology to identify, analyze and prevent the occurrence of software defects.