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Make the Web-site Faster
Monitoring of site speed characteristics

server response time
time to interactive
full load time

Site loading speed
This is one of the main parameters that affects search engine rankings. Revalin monitors site stability in real time and monitors even minor speed drops during rush hour or DDOS attacks. If the website loading speed exceeds the recommended values, the system will record this and help you to solve this problem.

Find a weak point
If your website load speed has to be improved, you should find a weak point in the load chain.

The website is being loaded in several stages, some of which are parallel, and others are sequential, but each has its limits. To achieve the acceptable general result, all the stages should be within the acceptable range.

Online monitoring of site performance 24/7
Monitoring provides a check of site health over time, catches performance drops or site unavailability from different points around the world. Alert occurs at the time of an event, which is important to reduce the risk of financial losses.

Why site speed is so important
Everyone has found themselves in a situation, when with an abundance of offers we don't want to wait — we want to receive a response here and now — and if not, we close the tab and switch to a competitor.

If clients bounce off your website more frequently than your competitors', then your ranking will DECREASE, even if you have similar metrics. The only option is to maximize the load speed of the website that will help increase the efficiency of EVERY website.

Please visit here for more info: https://revalin.com/speed

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