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Hosep Babikyan
SEO оптимизация включва всички On page и Off page действия, които извършваме по страниците на един сайт, с цел да го класираме на топ позиции.
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Hosep Babikyan 2021-11-14

SEO optimization includes all On page and Off page actions that we perform on one site, in order to rank it in the top positions in the organic (unpaid) results in Google SERP.

These are actions on the technical part as well as on the content, internal and external link building, research of competitors and many other things.

And why is it important for us to rank a site in the top positions in the organic results pages of Google, Bing and other search engines?

The answer is that the further we go in the free results, the more likely we are to target targeted traffic to our site.

With a well-structured site, with quality content, useful internal and external links, this same traffic will perform more conversions (purchases, reservations, sales).

This is the reason that all serious businesses that sell goods and services online rely on search engine optimization or in-house teams, or external SEO agencies such as blog7.

Hosep Babikyan 2021-03-14

Virtual staff outsourcing or remote staffing is currently the talk of the town, and why shouldn’t it be!

With the onset of the pandemic, virtual staffing has come into the limelight even though it was prevalent since the 1960s.

We want to reiterate that when we say virtual staffing, we are referring to remote employees and not those working from home due to the restrictions imposed by the pandemic.

In our previous article, we have discussed what it means to hire virtual employees and what virtual / remote staffing means.

Hiring virtual employees can have definite benefits for businesses as well as employees.

It could just be the solution that many businesses have been looking for decades.

Hosep Babikyan 2020-05-27

Do they constitute a threat to today’s work practices?Contrary to conventional wisdom, new evidence suggests Europe’s workforces are enthusiastic about the impact of new digital technologies on their working lives.

But the positive reception from their employees will help remove a critical barrier to becoming a digital business.In a survey of 2,500 workers across Europe, Accenture Strategy revealed that more than four times as many think of digital technologies as positively impacting their working lives as opposed to having a negative effect.

Fifty-seven per cent think they will improve their working experience compared to 8% who think it will worsen it.

Thanks to machines enabled by sensors and supported by data analytics, she can work alongside engineers to draw insights from the data gathered at the drill head to manage exploration and excavation with greater precision, environmental responsibility and productivity.Imagine a team of product engineers, using social media to rapidly turn customer reactions into new immediate prototypes thanks to 3D printing.

And consider the way financial service providers can be freed from volume activity to address individual exceptions revealed by data.

In this way, they can resolve challenges faced by particular customers and design more tailored solutions for them.This shift in focus from delivering mass products to delivering outcomes for customers places greater emphasis on talent.

Hosep Babikyan 2021-11-14

SEO оптимизация включва всички On page и Off page действия, които извършваме по един сайт, с цел да го класираме на топ позиции в органичните (неплатени) резултати в Google SERP.

Това са действия както по техническата част, така и по съдържанието, вътрешен и външен линк билдинг, проучване на конкуренти и много още други неща.А защо ни е важно да класираме един сайт на челни позиции в страниците с органични резултати на Google, Bing и други търсачки?Отговорът е че защото колкото по-напред излизаме в безплатните резултати, толкова повече се увеличава вероятността за таргетиран трафик към сайта ни.

При добре структуриран сайт, със качествено съдържание, полезни вътрешни и външни връзки, същият този трафик ще извършва повече конверсии (покупки, резервации, продажби).Това е причината че всички сериозни бизнеси които продават онлайн стоки и услуги разчитатат на оптимизация за търсачки или на инхаус екипи, или на външни SEO агенции като blog7.https://blog7.org/seo-uslugi/

Hosep Babikyan 2021-03-07

Physicochemical methods play a significant role in the treatment of industrial wastewater.

These include coagulation and flocculation, flotation, sorption, ion exchange, extraction, evaporation, crystallization, electrolysis, membrane processes (electrodialysis, reverse osmosis, ultrafiltration, алуминиев оксихлорид).

These methods can be used alone or in combination with other groups of methods (mechanical, chemical and biological) to increase the efficiency of the wastewater treatment process.

Wastewater treatment in the textile industry Wastewater treatment from the glass and ceramic industry Wastewater treatment from the chemical, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries Industrial wastewater - treatment methods Drinking water purification systems The processes of flocculation and coagulation with aluminum oxychloride are much more complex than it seems at first glance.

The selection of a suitable flocculant and / or coagulant is crucial to ensure economic efficiency in the process of separating solid particles from the water stream.

The choice depends on the process conditions, including particle size, chemical composition and pH of the water, the percentage of dispersed fine particles, etc.

Hosep Babikyan 2020-05-26

Need private packages and team management tools?

We’re honored to be part of the next chapter of npm and support the JavaScript community in a new way.

Hosep Babikyan 2021-11-14

SEO оптимизация включва всички On page и Off page действия, които извършваме по страниците на един сайт, с цел да го класираме на топ позиции в органичните (неплатени) резултати в Google SERP.

Това са действия както по техническата част, така и по съдържанието, вътрешен и външен линк билдинг, проучване на конкуренти и много още други неща.А защо ни е важно да се класираме на челни позиции в страниците с органични резултати на Google, Bing и други подобни търсачки?Защото колкото по-напред излизаме в резултатите, толкова повече се увеличава шанса за таргетиран трафик към бранда ни.

При добре структуриран сайт, който има качествено съдържание, полезни вътрешни и външни връзки, точнотози трафик ще извършва повече конверсии (покупки, резервации, продажби).Затова всички бизнеси които продават онлайн имат инхаус екипи които работят целогодишно по оптимизацията на брандовете им, или възлагат тези дейности на външни SEO агенции като blog7.https://blog7.org/seo-uslugi/

Hosep Babikyan 2020-07-22

Quality score is the rating given by Google for the relevancy of your keywords and Ads.

The good quality score indicates that the keywords and the ad are more relevant.

Quality score is the variable assigned to the each of your keywords which determine your Ad rank and the cost per click.

You can find in problogger.gr your professional partner.

Also, the proper landing page will help to improve the quality score of the Ads.# Optimize the Ad copy:Choose the Ad copy that is closely tailored to your keywords.

Optimizing the Ad copies will increase the relevancy of your keyword to each of your Ads.

Hosep Babikyan 2021-09-16

It takes between 2 days and 4 weeks for your brand new website to be crawled and indexed by Google.

This range, however, is fairly broad and has been challenged by those who claim to have indexed sites in less than 4 days.

Even though Google’s inimitable search engine works on an algorithm, the eternal math that’s happening behind the scenes can’t produce a single, solid answer for us.

Still, a guideline of 4 days to 1 month gives webmasters a small amount of comfort while they wait to see where their page will appear in the search giant’s results pages.How Sites Are Crawled and Indexed by GoogleRead full article

Hosep Babikyan 2020-05-27

Campaigners criticise the application, arguing COVID-19 restrictions will curb public participation in the planning process.

A planned new nuclear power station will help kick-start the economy following the coronavirus crisis, energy giant EDF has said.The power supplier has submitted an application to build the Sizewell C plant on the Suffolk coast, which it says will generate enough electricity to power six million homes and bolster the UK's energy resilience by reducing the need for imports.EDF also says it will create 25,000 jobs and 1,000 apprenticeships during construction, as well as providing 900 skilled jobs over its lifetime.The application for development consent to the Planning Inspectorate was delayed for two months due to the COVID-19 pandemic.But campaigners opposed to the project have criticised the move, arguing that coronavirus social distancing restrictions are likely to continue in the coming months and so limiting public participation in the planning process.

The 3.2-gigawatt Sizewell C will be a near replica of Hinkley Point C in Somerset, reducing construction costs and risks, according to EDF, which has partnered with China General Nuclear to build reactors in the UK.Read more at https://news.sky.com/story/sizewell-c-nuclear-plant-will-help-kick-start-post-pandemic-economy-says-edf-11995372

Hosep Babikyan 2021-11-14

SEO optimization includes all On page and Off page actions that we perform on one site, in order to rank it in the top positions in the organic (unpaid) results in Google SERP.

These are actions on the technical part as well as on the content, internal and external link building, research of competitors and many other things.

And why is it important for us to rank a site in the top positions in the organic results pages of Google, Bing and other search engines?

The answer is that the further we go in the free results, the more likely we are to target targeted traffic to our site.

With a well-structured site, with quality content, useful internal and external links, this same traffic will perform more conversions (purchases, reservations, sales).

This is the reason that all serious businesses that sell goods and services online rely on search engine optimization or in-house teams, or external SEO agencies such as blog7.

Hosep Babikyan 2021-11-14

SEO оптимизация включва всички On page и Off page действия, които извършваме по страниците на един сайт, с цел да го класираме на топ позиции в органичните (неплатени) резултати в Google SERP.

Това са действия както по техническата част, така и по съдържанието, вътрешен и външен линк билдинг, проучване на конкуренти и много още други неща.А защо ни е важно да се класираме на челни позиции в страниците с органични резултати на Google, Bing и други подобни търсачки?Защото колкото по-напред излизаме в резултатите, толкова повече се увеличава шанса за таргетиран трафик към бранда ни.

При добре структуриран сайт, който има качествено съдържание, полезни вътрешни и външни връзки, точнотози трафик ще извършва повече конверсии (покупки, резервации, продажби).Затова всички бизнеси които продават онлайн имат инхаус екипи които работят целогодишно по оптимизацията на брандовете им, или възлагат тези дейности на външни SEO агенции като blog7.https://blog7.org/seo-uslugi/

Hosep Babikyan 2021-03-14

Virtual staff outsourcing or remote staffing is currently the talk of the town, and why shouldn’t it be!

With the onset of the pandemic, virtual staffing has come into the limelight even though it was prevalent since the 1960s.

We want to reiterate that when we say virtual staffing, we are referring to remote employees and not those working from home due to the restrictions imposed by the pandemic.

In our previous article, we have discussed what it means to hire virtual employees and what virtual / remote staffing means.

Hiring virtual employees can have definite benefits for businesses as well as employees.

It could just be the solution that many businesses have been looking for decades.

Hosep Babikyan 2020-07-22

Quality score is the rating given by Google for the relevancy of your keywords and Ads.

The good quality score indicates that the keywords and the ad are more relevant.

Quality score is the variable assigned to the each of your keywords which determine your Ad rank and the cost per click.

You can find in problogger.gr your professional partner.

Also, the proper landing page will help to improve the quality score of the Ads.# Optimize the Ad copy:Choose the Ad copy that is closely tailored to your keywords.

Optimizing the Ad copies will increase the relevancy of your keyword to each of your Ads.

Hosep Babikyan 2020-05-27

Do they constitute a threat to today’s work practices?Contrary to conventional wisdom, new evidence suggests Europe’s workforces are enthusiastic about the impact of new digital technologies on their working lives.

But the positive reception from their employees will help remove a critical barrier to becoming a digital business.In a survey of 2,500 workers across Europe, Accenture Strategy revealed that more than four times as many think of digital technologies as positively impacting their working lives as opposed to having a negative effect.

Fifty-seven per cent think they will improve their working experience compared to 8% who think it will worsen it.

Thanks to machines enabled by sensors and supported by data analytics, she can work alongside engineers to draw insights from the data gathered at the drill head to manage exploration and excavation with greater precision, environmental responsibility and productivity.Imagine a team of product engineers, using social media to rapidly turn customer reactions into new immediate prototypes thanks to 3D printing.

And consider the way financial service providers can be freed from volume activity to address individual exceptions revealed by data.

In this way, they can resolve challenges faced by particular customers and design more tailored solutions for them.This shift in focus from delivering mass products to delivering outcomes for customers places greater emphasis on talent.

Hosep Babikyan 2021-11-14

SEO оптимизация включва всички On page и Off page действия, които извършваме по един сайт, с цел да го класираме на топ позиции в органичните (неплатени) резултати в Google SERP.

Това са действия както по техническата част, така и по съдържанието, вътрешен и външен линк билдинг, проучване на конкуренти и много още други неща.А защо ни е важно да класираме един сайт на челни позиции в страниците с органични резултати на Google, Bing и други търсачки?Отговорът е че защото колкото по-напред излизаме в безплатните резултати, толкова повече се увеличава вероятността за таргетиран трафик към сайта ни.

При добре структуриран сайт, със качествено съдържание, полезни вътрешни и външни връзки, същият този трафик ще извършва повече конверсии (покупки, резервации, продажби).Това е причината че всички сериозни бизнеси които продават онлайн стоки и услуги разчитатат на оптимизация за търсачки или на инхаус екипи, или на външни SEO агенции като blog7.https://blog7.org/seo-uslugi/

Hosep Babikyan 2021-09-16

It takes between 2 days and 4 weeks for your brand new website to be crawled and indexed by Google.

This range, however, is fairly broad and has been challenged by those who claim to have indexed sites in less than 4 days.

Even though Google’s inimitable search engine works on an algorithm, the eternal math that’s happening behind the scenes can’t produce a single, solid answer for us.

Still, a guideline of 4 days to 1 month gives webmasters a small amount of comfort while they wait to see where their page will appear in the search giant’s results pages.How Sites Are Crawled and Indexed by GoogleRead full article

Hosep Babikyan 2021-03-07

Physicochemical methods play a significant role in the treatment of industrial wastewater.

These include coagulation and flocculation, flotation, sorption, ion exchange, extraction, evaporation, crystallization, electrolysis, membrane processes (electrodialysis, reverse osmosis, ultrafiltration, алуминиев оксихлорид).

These methods can be used alone or in combination with other groups of methods (mechanical, chemical and biological) to increase the efficiency of the wastewater treatment process.

Wastewater treatment in the textile industry Wastewater treatment from the glass and ceramic industry Wastewater treatment from the chemical, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries Industrial wastewater - treatment methods Drinking water purification systems The processes of flocculation and coagulation with aluminum oxychloride are much more complex than it seems at first glance.

The selection of a suitable flocculant and / or coagulant is crucial to ensure economic efficiency in the process of separating solid particles from the water stream.

The choice depends on the process conditions, including particle size, chemical composition and pH of the water, the percentage of dispersed fine particles, etc.

Hosep Babikyan 2020-05-27

Campaigners criticise the application, arguing COVID-19 restrictions will curb public participation in the planning process.

A planned new nuclear power station will help kick-start the economy following the coronavirus crisis, energy giant EDF has said.The power supplier has submitted an application to build the Sizewell C plant on the Suffolk coast, which it says will generate enough electricity to power six million homes and bolster the UK's energy resilience by reducing the need for imports.EDF also says it will create 25,000 jobs and 1,000 apprenticeships during construction, as well as providing 900 skilled jobs over its lifetime.The application for development consent to the Planning Inspectorate was delayed for two months due to the COVID-19 pandemic.But campaigners opposed to the project have criticised the move, arguing that coronavirus social distancing restrictions are likely to continue in the coming months and so limiting public participation in the planning process.

The 3.2-gigawatt Sizewell C will be a near replica of Hinkley Point C in Somerset, reducing construction costs and risks, according to EDF, which has partnered with China General Nuclear to build reactors in the UK.Read more at https://news.sky.com/story/sizewell-c-nuclear-plant-will-help-kick-start-post-pandemic-economy-says-edf-11995372

Hosep Babikyan 2020-05-26

Need private packages and team management tools?

We’re honored to be part of the next chapter of npm and support the JavaScript community in a new way.