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Joel Nathan
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Joel Nathan 2021-01-25

Top lane:The Top Lane, because it is at the top of the map and far from where most of the fights take place at the beginning of the game, tends to be a more farm-based route (killing minions to accumulate gold and better items).

For this reason, the champions most suitable for top are the ones with a lot of sustain .Mid lane:The Mid lane is one of the most important roles in the game, because it is in the middle of the map and close to the other two lanes and to the global objectives, Drake and Baron.There are generally two types of champions: AP Carries and Assassins.

There are a lot of players that choose to play mid lane because of the role potential to carry the games, you will see a lot of high elo players playing in low elo while elo boosting accounts choosing this role.Support:Support is any champion who can be useful to the team without needing a lot of gold.

They are usually champions with many crowd-control skills, healing champions or who can buff allies – increased damage, attack speed, etc.

Some examples of supports are: Tresh, Sona, Lulu, Nami, Alistar and Taric.The responsibilities of a support are many.He needs to place wards, but this task must be shared by the whole team you need to protect the ADC and the rest of the team, even if you die in the process.Ad Carry:AD Carry is one of the most important roles in the game, but it is also the weakest and most focused during team fights.

They are usually champions with attack range, have to build expensive items and have as their primary responsibility to deal the most damage possible to enemys while stay at the backline.

Joel Nathan 2021-01-25

League of Legends elo boosting is a service where high ranked players help lower elo players reaching a higher rank in the ladder.Boosting services usually have two methods, solo queue and duo queue options, but how does it work exactly?The solo option is by far riskier than duo option, in solo option you will provide your League account details to the player so he can log in your account and climb your account to your desired rank, back in the days this options was a true risk, but at the moment most of the services providing elo boosting have really secure ways of not banning your account for account sharing, while they are on your account they will use offline mode and VPN to your specific country and city, that way it would be the same as you playing on the account and Riot can’t notice it.Solo boosting is the most popular and faster service in League of Legends elo boost, the booster playing on your account will duo boost with another booster and get insane results on your account and win rates, in this specific option services always offer extra options where you can choose that the booster plays only your favorite and most used champions ( A good way to be incognito for your friends and friend list) which is pretty legit to have your account as safe as possible.The duo option is better if you’d like to climb the ladder and at the same time learn while you climb, not only you have your account safe and you won’t have to share your account details to anyone and you will be playing with a Challenger player where you can record the games and learn from it later on and ask tips to the person playing with you.In duo option you won’t have the risk of being banned since Riot mentioned in their Terms and services that duo is not bannable, so that means that you’re playing with a booster is exactly the same thing as if you were playing with a friend that has a smurf in your elo.Elo boost services in duo queue option also provide extra options such as coaching, this option is good if you’d like to play and learn from an high elo player at the same time, the booster will be playing with you and teaching you and fixing your mistakes while you play with him.In conclusion there are a lot of options that you can choose from in services like this, it will depend always on your preferences, solo if you don’t wish to spend time playing or duo if you’d like to play while you learn and climb the ladder.Are you ready for the summoners rift?

Joel Nathan 2021-01-25

Top lane:The Top Lane, because it is at the top of the map and far from where most of the fights take place at the beginning of the game, tends to be a more farm-based route (killing minions to accumulate gold and better items).

For this reason, the champions most suitable for top are the ones with a lot of sustain .Mid lane:The Mid lane is one of the most important roles in the game, because it is in the middle of the map and close to the other two lanes and to the global objectives, Drake and Baron.There are generally two types of champions: AP Carries and Assassins.

There are a lot of players that choose to play mid lane because of the role potential to carry the games, you will see a lot of high elo players playing in low elo while elo boosting accounts choosing this role.Support:Support is any champion who can be useful to the team without needing a lot of gold.

They are usually champions with many crowd-control skills, healing champions or who can buff allies – increased damage, attack speed, etc.

Some examples of supports are: Tresh, Sona, Lulu, Nami, Alistar and Taric.The responsibilities of a support are many.He needs to place wards, but this task must be shared by the whole team you need to protect the ADC and the rest of the team, even if you die in the process.Ad Carry:AD Carry is one of the most important roles in the game, but it is also the weakest and most focused during team fights.

They are usually champions with attack range, have to build expensive items and have as their primary responsibility to deal the most damage possible to enemys while stay at the backline.

Joel Nathan 2021-01-25

League of Legends elo boosting is a service where high ranked players help lower elo players reaching a higher rank in the ladder.Boosting services usually have two methods, solo queue and duo queue options, but how does it work exactly?The solo option is by far riskier than duo option, in solo option you will provide your League account details to the player so he can log in your account and climb your account to your desired rank, back in the days this options was a true risk, but at the moment most of the services providing elo boosting have really secure ways of not banning your account for account sharing, while they are on your account they will use offline mode and VPN to your specific country and city, that way it would be the same as you playing on the account and Riot can’t notice it.Solo boosting is the most popular and faster service in League of Legends elo boost, the booster playing on your account will duo boost with another booster and get insane results on your account and win rates, in this specific option services always offer extra options where you can choose that the booster plays only your favorite and most used champions ( A good way to be incognito for your friends and friend list) which is pretty legit to have your account as safe as possible.The duo option is better if you’d like to climb the ladder and at the same time learn while you climb, not only you have your account safe and you won’t have to share your account details to anyone and you will be playing with a Challenger player where you can record the games and learn from it later on and ask tips to the person playing with you.In duo option you won’t have the risk of being banned since Riot mentioned in their Terms and services that duo is not bannable, so that means that you’re playing with a booster is exactly the same thing as if you were playing with a friend that has a smurf in your elo.Elo boost services in duo queue option also provide extra options such as coaching, this option is good if you’d like to play and learn from an high elo player at the same time, the booster will be playing with you and teaching you and fixing your mistakes while you play with him.In conclusion there are a lot of options that you can choose from in services like this, it will depend always on your preferences, solo if you don’t wish to spend time playing or duo if you’d like to play while you learn and climb the ladder.Are you ready for the summoners rift?