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Zupyak AI Keyword Planner: Best keyword research tool for SEO

Discover thousands of keyword ideas for your company in less than 30 seconds. Use AI instead of spending hours, days or even weeks to find the perfect SEO keywords for your business.

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AI keyword generator

Enter your company's or website info, such as the website URL and products or services you offer. Our AI keyword tool will automatically provide thousands of SEO keywords tailored to your target audience and location. Let us help you perform the keyword research you would manually complete in a month in 30 seconds!

What is AI keyword research?

Instead of doing the research manually, Zupyak AI Keyword Planner automatically gives you insight into your average keyword difficulty and search volume data to pick the most accurate words or phrases to target.  Or better still, let our robot automatically help you select the top 100 keyword suggestions tailored to your website and business. With this forecast, you can determine how easy it would be to incorporate a given keyword in your content to attract organic search.

Create your keyword plan automatically

Once you've saved a list of keyword groups you like, add them to your plan. You can always include new keywords in your plan from the keyword theme menu. Now, you can use the AI Keyword Planner to launch your search campaign and create SEO content readers will love!

Why should I do AI keyword research instead of using an agency?

There are plenty of reasons for using AI instead of agencies. Using AI instead of an agency means you can find more keywords faster. You can also save cost since you pay a subscription fee that is much less than if you were using an agency or doing the research yourself. With the Zupyak AI Keyword Planner you can also find a lot more keywords than with manual research since our AI analyses search patterns on a broader scale.

Zupyak AI Keyword Planner gives your business more visibility!

Achieve your SEO goals

Do you want to get started with your SEO journey? The Zupyak AI Keyword Planner is your ideal choice. This tool gives you an excellent starting point to find new keyword ideas in less than a minute without performing keyword research from scratch.  We can help you improve your search engine optimization and save time by providing quick insights into marketing trends you’d manually gather in 4 weeks. This way, you get to create content on relevant topics to tackle the questions your audience asks.

Outrank your competitors

Use our in-depth AI keyword research planner to analyze your competitor's keywords. This lets you get the keyword overview of similar businesses within your industry, enabling you to beat them at their own game. All you need to do is enter the competitor's website URL, and Zupyak will show you their top keyword list immediately. Aside from the main keywords, we'll show you long-tail keywords with a low monthly search volume to improve your online presence.

AI Keyword tool for paid advertisement

If you want to run paid ads for your content marketing campaign, it's essential you select the right keywords so Google can reward you with more visibility. By choosing relevant keywords to target, your ads will attract the right customers to your website or social media channel. Once you tell Zupyak you want keywords for paid search, it'll generate top keywords that'll result in high conversion rates for your company. As a result, you will save money and time with AI on advertising and enjoy an excellent return on investment.

Use the AI Keyword Planner to create content

Creating optimized and readable content is the easiest way to attract organic search via search engines. Unlike other third-party keyword research tools, which show generic seed keywords essentially for paid marketing, Zupyak AI helps you discover descriptive keywords you can use for blogging, SEO, and content marketing. Our tool allows you to write emails, blog posts, ebooks, and long-form articles to answer users' search queries.

Save time, save money

Use the Zupyak AI Keyword Planner to actualize the term “time is money!” Rather than spend hours curating keywords to include in your SEO plan, you can do the work in 30 seconds. Our AI tool uses robots to perform keyword research across search engines, providing you with the top search terms in the blink of an eye. We help you create a comprehensive keyword plan that would manually take you weeks or even months to compile in less than a minute.

Improve local SEO

Do you want to attract more local customers? The Zupyak AI tool lets you discover new keywords for specific cities and states, not just countries. Simply include the location you wish to target alongside the keywords in the search box. You'll get the exact keyword results catered explicitly to your city. Let us help you save coins and improve your local campaign performance in 30 seconds!

See popular new keywords

Instead of typing phrases into the Google search console to determine their popularity, let our AI keyword magic tool do the hard lifting. While Google will look for keywords with top trends, our AI tool shows you metrics like keyword difficulty and keyword volume, making it easy for your business to rank for the most searched keywords online. And guess what? With our recommendations, you can see how easy it is to target a related keyword.

Discover new keywords to go viral and international

Are you looking to create content in other languages aside from English? You'll appreciate Zupyak's AI keyword market feature. The AI tool supports 30+ languages, making it easy to use keyword ideas relevant to the country for which you're creating content. Our keyword generator allows you to create multiple keyword plans in various languages to gain more targeted traffic.

Access AI Keyword Planner for free

There are a few free keyword research tools online where you can find accurate keyword results to focus on the right topic for your company. One of the best free keyword research tools is Zupyak. Using the free trial, you can generate over 500 keywords in seconds. This version provides a comprehensive list of keyword themes to start your SEO project quickly.

How does Zupyak AI free keyword research planner work?

Follow these simple steps to generate keyword ideas that are worth targeting:

  1. Go to the Zupyak AI Keyword Planner.
  2. Enter your business's info, such as website URL, description, and products/services you offer. Based on your domain strength and organic traffic, we'll recommend keywords for your SEO.
  3. Select the keyword market you want to explore for organic or paid search traffic.
  4. Choose your keyword-focused market. You can also use the tool to find multiple languages and markets to create content.
  5. The Zupyak AI Keyword Planner will automatically create a basic plan including several keywords across Google.
  6. At this point, you may use the search box to get the keywords your competitors rank for.
  7. Here, you'll see search volumes and metrics of over 500 high-ranking keywords to target.
  8. Filter the result of keywords by searching for a particular topic.
  9. Select a keyword group and save the phrases you want to target in the plan. You can do this for other keyword groups to create a well-rounded plan for SEO.
  10. Once you're done, you'll see the number of main and long-tail keywords to target in your plan.
  11. Now, you’re all set to create SEO content for your company!

Frequently asked questions

What is the Zupyak AI Keyword Planner?

The Zupyak AI Keyword Planner is a keyword research tool for SEO that uses AI to find several keywords on any topic. It discovers new phrases and words, showing their keyword search volume data. The terms the tool suggests are based on your company's domain strength and organic traffic. Our keyword planner also presents Google's top keyword ideas related to your company in a simple-to-understand interface. Undoubtedly, Zupyak will come in handy for your advertisement campaigns, keyword research, and SEO.

Can I use the Zupyak AI Keyword Planner tool for PPC keyword research?

When it comes to SEO keyword research for (pay-per-click) PPC, you can rely on our tool. We display several high-ranking keywords compared to Google Ads Planner. That means you can use our tool to run paid ad campaigns by targeting relevant keywords to attract the right audience. This will result in higher conversion rates and ROI for your website or business.

What's the best alternative to Google keyword planner?

Zupyak AI Keyword Planner is a powerful tool designed with small and medium businesses in mind. You don't need to break the bank to acquire more customers. Unlike Google's keyword planner, which requires an active ad campaign, Zupyak lets you create a keyword plan for both paid and organic searches. That means you don't necessarily need to use all the keyword ideas in your plan for paid advertisement. With our tool, you can leverage keywords as a foundation to write content for your website. It lets you create articles around popular keywords to give your website visitors value.

How do I use an AI Keyword Planner to find keywords for SEO?

Every keyword the Zupyak AI Keyword Planner suggests is ideal for SEO content optimization. For more in-depth research, you only need to specify on the tool that your keywords are for organic search (SEO). It'll generate thousands of keywords with high search volume.