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Why Men Can Run Faster Than Women

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Why Men Can Run Faster Than Women

The world’s fastest man Usain Bolt on the 100-meter dash covered the distance in 9.58 seconds than the world’s fastest woman the late Florence Griffith Joyner who had covered the same distance in 10.49 seconds.

However, this is very clear that this fact has nothing to do with the strength; one can only blame the hormones and body size for this remarkable difference.

The Society of Endocrinology revealed that testosterone have many functions like- telling the body to create new blood cells, keeping bones and muscles strong and prompting growth spurts.

This extra muscle is responsible to help men run faster than women.

The VO2 max for an inactive woman is about 33 milliliters of oxygen per kilogram of body mass per minute, whereas a young sedentary man’s is about 42 ml/kg/min, according to a 1998 study.

Kraus said in best runners, VO2 max is higher, but men still top women in this aspect also.

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