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5 Tips on How to Gain Confidence in Public Speaking

pratibha sharma
5 Tips on How to Gain Confidence in Public Speaking
  1. Believe in your capacity to improve.

You don't require to believe you can become the next JFK or MLK but you do need to believe in your capacity to improve your skills. 

People usually do better if they have an increase mindset 

(you see yourself as a work in continue) vs. a fixed mindset (you trust your sufficiency are fixed). 

  1. Get confident at reducing physiological overarousal.

You will do a better job at public speaking if you are not in fight / flight / freeze mode while you are providing your talk.

Learn how to cool yourself physiologically by rehearse slowing breathing, which will in turn reduce your heart rate. 

This is a considerable style to become extreme in your capability to cool yourself physiologically.

Be aware that your heart rate is commonly faster when you are breathing in and slower when you are breathing out.

  1. Practice looking at faces in the audience when you are talking.

People who are nervous influence to either avoid looking at the faces of people in the audience, or fixate on the faces of people who look tired.

Learn to look for signals of interest as well as signs of disinterest. Make eye contact and smile at particulars in the audience.

When someone smiles back, return your look to that person later in your talk. 

  1. Approach vs. Avoidance Goals.

Avoidance goals are things such as "I want to avoid embarrassment" or "I want to avoid being worried about anxious while talking."

Approach targets are things "I want to communicate my 3 key points positively so that everyone in the audience leaves the talk understanding those points."

Approach targets are more profitable than avoidance targets.

Analyze what your approach targets are.

  1. Video yourself.

People who are nervous generally avoid objective performance feedback. If you believe you have the capacity to correct (because you can correct any weaknesses.)  Don't try to correct through just willing yourself to improve. Actually take steps that are likely to result in improvement like videoing yourself practicing or working with a coach. 

Making some short youtube videos (just a few minutes each) is a considerable style to practice and produce something useful from that practice.

If you want to learn more about 5 Tips for How to Gain Confidence at Public Speaking then English Speaking Course in Chandigarh Sector 34 is the right place for you.




pratibha sharma
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