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Business School in Hyderabad

kavitha ram
Business School in Hyderabad

In finance, the term “B-School” is a shorthand term that refers to schools that specialize in business subjects. B-Schools are known for their highly competitive admission standards, with the most sought-after schools regularly rejecting over 90% of applicants. IMT Hyderabad is one of the best Business School in Hyderabad. These schools have also been the subject of debate in recent years because of their substantial financial costs. B-Schools are similar to other post-secondary higher education institutions, except that they are focused on subject areas related to business and finance. Common examples include accounting, finance, marketing, and entrepreneurship. In some cases, schools will offer specialized programs in less common areas of study, such as actuarial sciences or taxation law. As with other institutions, various rankings exist which aim to help students assess the quality and prestige associated with specific schools. These include rankings published by The Financial Times, The Economist, and BusinessWeek, among others.

kavitha ram
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