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NTPC agreed to jointly launch a project to promote emission-free buses in Leh.

Digital Newspaper24x7
NTPC agreed to jointly launch a project to promote emission-free buses in Leh.

Recently in India planning to manufacture a carbon-free vehicle MORE AND MORE by 2025, because pollution was drastically changing the India atmosphere and climatic malfunction so the government ordered by 2025 India becomes a pollution-free country in the world

MNRE and NTPC propose to launch a pilot fuel cell bus transformation project in an effort to make Leh carbon-neutral,” Anand Kumar, secretary, MNRE.

As reported earlier by FE, the newly carved out union territory already has about 30 megawatts (MW) of small hydro projects and the government wants to install solar generation units to meet all its power demand from renewable energy sources.

The UT currently has a demand of around 53 MW. While the daily solar power generation potential in most part of the country is in the range of 3-5 units per square metre, the same in Leh-Ladakh can be 6-8 units, thanks to high ‘irradiance’ factor

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