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How to Create Humidity in A Grow Room?2020 Update

indoor growpackage
Grow Room Ideal Humidity: What and Why?
There’s nothing ‘absolute’. So, through different stages of grow, ideal humidity changes its definition.
But we can give you a generalized list-
  1. During Cloning: 70-80%
  2. During Vegetation: 40-60%
  3. During Flowering: 35-55%
  4. During harvesting: 30%-35%
And why it’s so essential to maintain humidity in such a manner? Have a look at the next section.
What Happens If the Air in the Grow Room Becomes Too Dry?
Dry air results in your plants losing more water when respiring than in moist air. This reduces the overall moisture content in your weed. If the environment gets too dry (low humidity), your plants lose more moisture than they can regain through their roots.
If this happens, your plants close the pores in their leaves to minimize water loss. It is an effective tactic, but it means they receive less CO2 from the environment. The result is cell death within your cannabis plants.
It is tempting to think that you can just water your plants more often in dry conditions. However, you will end up over-watering the soil and reduce the amount of air in the growing medium. Your plants will suffocate and become more likely to develop root rot.
If you allow excessively high humidity levels, you increase the risk of diseases such as bud rot. The reason for this is that it allows moisture to build up in the plants’ thick foliage.
By setting your grow room to the right humidity level, your plants flourish. They open their pores, respire CO2, and grow quickly. Leading marijuana growers say beginners should look to achieve the following humidity levels in their grow room. Naturally, this is determined by the length of the marijuana plant’s life cycle.
These figures are a good starting point. However, you may wish to change the humidity ever so slightly depending on the strain:
  • Clones: 60-80% RH
  • Vegetative Stage: 50-60% RH
  • Early Flowering Stage: 40-55% RH
  • Late Flowering Stage: 40-50% RH (can be as low as 30-35% depending on the strain)
The RH should fall steadily throughout the growing cycle. Now, here are five tips to help you keep total control of the humidity in your grow room.
How to Control Humidity in the Grow Room?
Many new indoor gardeners in this area don’t understand how early all our efforts can go in vain. So, controlling your grow room climate should be at the top of your to-do list.
Here are a few key steps to control your grow room humidity. Have a look –
  • Set Up the Lighting System of Your Grow Room
Light is something that can be a crucial factor for the humidity change in your grow room. Usually, growers overlook this vital element while going to grow indoor plants. If the light amount passing through the room is higher, it contributes to the increase of heat in the room.
As a result, the humidity of the room may get excessively high. So, you should be concerned about this lighting issue to control the climate of your grow room. Think thoroughly to light the grow room so that the temperature of the room remains in your control.
Many indoor growers use LED Grow lights. Many are using metal halide lights and HPS lighting systems. They can increase heat and keep the room temperature beyond 20 degrees’ window. This is preferable to many growers.
  • Control The Grow Room Temperature
Usually, the grow room temperature lies within 20 degrees window due to light. This temperature is warm enough not to freeze the sprouts. Also, it is cool sufficiently to protect your plants from frying due to heat. So, keeping the light within this range, you should be worry regarding the cooling system of the room.
If you are growing your plants as a hobby in your room, using a window, AC is sufficient to cool the grow room atmosphere. It is unfortunate, sometimes using only a simple AC may not be efficient.
It is one of the worrying things when the growers go to scale up. When they go for growing plants on a large scale, such simple solutions may not work well. A window AC system is not suitable for large-scale growth. If your grow scale is large, you should look for a system like central air controlling in a home condition.
  • Keep The Air Movement Continuous through The Room
Keeping a continuous air movement through the grow room is a must. The air movement serves two purposes – it helps to prevent the mold attack in the plants. Besides, it helps your plants to build up strong stems as well as branches.
The air circulation is also necessary for the transpiration process of the plants. Transpiration is the process by which the plants suck up water by their roots. Finally, the water is eliminated from the plant body by evaporation by the leaves. The air circulation in the grow room keeps the plant leaves moist.
So, the rate of evaporation decreases, and thus the attack of poisonous fungus and molds reduces. In short, air circulation is a must for maintaining the relative humidity in your grow room. Usually, oscillating fans are well enough to provide the continuity of air circulation.
  • Be Ready to Control the Humidity
To measure humidity, you can use a handheld sensor. These sensors can give accuracy within nearly five percent. For large indoor gardening operations, an electronic monitoring system is suitable. Electric humidifiers have both sensors and a recorder to record humidity.
People often overlook the humidity when they scale up for large growing operations. In such situations, they usually get confused about the moisture need of each plant. The amount of moisture necessary is quite a lot. In small planting systems, a small residential dehumidifier is enough to apply.
They are available at all hardware stores. But, when your operation is more extensive, a residential dehumidifier does not serve well. For those dozens of plants, an energy-efficient commercial dehumidifier can be efficient.
Control the Rate of CO2 in The Grow Room through Ventilation
To control the humidity in the grow room, ventilation is one of the most practical methods. You can increase as well as decrease the grow room humidity with ease through this process. With the exchange of the amount of air through the room, humidity either increases or falls.
The growers usually do this by using an exhaust fan. To make the fan work efficiently, you have to add an intake hole to it or widen it. Thus, it will increase the amount of air movement throughout your grow room.
In some cases, you may need to add a light baffle surrounding the intake hole. By doing such, you can prevent the leakage of light and also allow sufficient flow of air.
Besides, you can use a hygrometer to power the fan to get more reliable efficiency and automation. Using a hygrometer is much more advantageous than using a thermostat with the fan. The plants need fresh C02 for photosynthesis rather than a constant amount of fresh air.
Many grow rooms either have constant CO2 systems or have no ventilation system. So, using a hygrometer controller can add extra benefits to the grow rooms.
The lack of ventilation and the enclosed area of the grow room cause a rise in relative humidity. So, you must use dehumidifiers and air conditioners to maintain the room temperature. Again, if the rate of metabolism of the plants increases, the transpiration rate rises. In that case, you don’t need to use a humidifier.
indoor growpackage
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