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Professional Success Coach

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Terry J Walker



Welcome to the Soul Stretching Success (IAM Terry J Walker), we are the professional success life coach, speaker and success soul trainer. we provide the motivational coach consultant to make your success life.


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Professional Success Coach

I hope you enjoy  your visit as we grow together on this journey we call Life. I am the owner of Inspire and Motivate, IAM, and the author of “The Resume’ of Life, Becoming Consciously Aware Through Spirit, Mind and Body.”

I am also a Certified Success and Executive Coach, Motivational Speaker, and author and believe you will be inspired (in-Spirit) and motivated (to take action) to find your love, acceptance, appreciation and joy within and then be empowered and enlightened to share your inspiration with others.



Break that snooze button habit for good!

Terry J. Walker’s Soul Stretching Success Coaching and Consulting platform was developed to Inspire and Motivate your way to Success and Transformation! Terry is a Certified Professional Life Coach, Executive Coach, Seminar Leader, Keynote Speaker, Organizational Consultant, and Author.Terry J Walker

Coaching and Training is a core aspect of Terry’s passion to help people achieve whole life success. Some of the highlights are: diversity and inclusion, communication skills, leadership skills, teamwork, client/employee retention, customer growth and loyalty, establishing personal responsibility and success, overcoming toxic relationships/environments and recognizing the value of your worth.

Certified Professional Life Coach 

Certified Canfield Trainer

Leadership and Civic Organization

Terry brings 26 years of wellness, success, and customer experience expertise, and has worked with FORTUNE 500 companies and individual world wide to stretch their potential for unprecedented success

 “If you have ever struggled with loss, love, relationships, careers, parenting, self-image or faith, this Professional Success Coach

book gives you the overwhelming comfort to realize you possess the strength to overcome the struggle.” The message!

e life you have dreamed of, then Soul Stretching Success is for you.


As a Certified Success Trainer and now creating an accelerated coaching platform, Soul Stretching Success Coaching, I am able to share with you proven principles and strategies on how to increase your confidence, tackle daily challenges, live with passion and purpose, realize your ambitions, clarify your vision and goals, and create the life you have always wanted!! I hope you will allow me to work with you for your Soul Stretching Success


Visit for more info  : https://iamterryjwalker.com/


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