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High-Quality Ingredients You Can Trust at Stover & Company

Ryan Stover
High-Quality Ingredients You Can Trust at Stover & Company

Owning a bakery, candy shop, or sweet-treat boutique is never easy, especially when it comes to finding high-quality ingredients at a reasonable price and a quick delivery system.

Stover & Company is a dependable baking supply distribution center that prides itself on great ingredient pricing and excellent customer service. From cake mixes to icing, shortening, and many more baking products, Stover & Company will provide high-quality ingredients for all your sugary treats and delectable confectionaries.

Same Day Shipping Ingredients?

As a growing sugary treats boutique, marketing your scrumptious confections and creative cakes on social media is key to get customer turnout. Dependable baking supply outlets such as Stover & Company supply scratch baking, frozen, and premade ingredients directly to your door at a lower price and at a quicker delivery speed. Quicker delivery means you can whip up those Instagrammable cupcakes and candies in no time! Not only will your creations look delicious, but Stover & Company’s ingredients will have your confections taste delicious too. All your customers will practically be drooling!

Notable same-day-delivery products include Pillsbury Bakers Plus Yellow Cake Mix for all your classic cupcakes,  Satin Ice Ivory Rolled Fondant - 20lb for those intricate holiday-themed cakes, and Merckens Dark Chocolate Wafers for all your melted chocolate goodies.

Why Choose Stover & Company?

At Stover & Company, you are family. You are a valued customer; they care about the goods you need and they care about seeing you succeed in all your baking journeys. Stover & Company is well-renowned for its excellent customer service; they work with all their customers independently to ensure customer satisfaction and to ensure you are getting the product you desire. If they don’t carry a certain product you want or you have found a comparable price elsewhere, talk to them directly! They are willing to buy products for you that are not on their site as well as negotiate pricing.

Stover & Company owns a huge inventory of name brand ingredients such as Pillsbury Bakers Plus Yellow Cake Mix and Merckens Marquis Milk Chocolate. Anything you need to create those delicious delicacies in a timely fashion, they have it! If there’s anything a baker loves more, it’s brand loyalty. Stover & Company houses high-quality brand ingredients and keeps a stocked inventory.

All items come in bulk, which is essential to bakers who are baking for returning and new customers. It’s always ideal to have a bulk amount of product on hand because baking supply centers are hard to come by in the baking industry. Stover & Company is an eCommerce brand, which makes their products even more accessible to its customers all over the globe.

A Baking Supply Center You Can Trust

Your business deserves to flourish. No need to force yourself into buying lower quality ingredients from other outlets that see you as just a number. As a fourth-generation-owned company, Stover & Company wants to treat you as one of their own family members. They want your baking operations to run smoothly, they want your customers to return again and again, and they want your sweet treats to look and taste amazing.

Stover & Company makes it easy to buy and repurchase bulk amounts of name brand baking ingredients and materials on a daily basis. Consistent, high-quality ingredients will ensure your gourmet candies and delectable cakes will come out perfect every time.

If quality means a lot to you, check out Stover & Company’s website at stovercompany.com for all your baking needs. Need something you don’t see? Contact them directly! You will get answers from one of their representatives anytime, anywhere. Stover & Company strives to treat you as more than just a consumer; they’re going to treat you at the business level to ensure you get the product you need and deserve.

For more information about Callebaut Chocolate and Saf Instant Yeast Please visit : Stover & Co..

Ryan Stover
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