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You Can Be a cubicle Survivor | Q Academy | The Fit Gypsy

Bhupesh Pawar
You Can Be a cubicle Survivor | Q Academy | The Fit Gypsy

Life as a Cubicle Survivor is the ultimate freedom lifestyle. You can work wherever you want, whenever you want to. Here 's how you can do it too!

I was just thinking the other day about how AWESOME life is as a digital Nomad AKA Cubicle Survivor! I get to travel the world, explore new sights, scents and sounds every single day. I meet awesome like minded people, and make friendships over the globe, all while self-funding my adventures while working from my laptop!!

There are SO many awesome benefits to being a Digital Nomad, its endless really. The part I am grateful for the most is the Flexibility and freedom.

Some of my FAVORITE benefits of the freedom and flexibility lifestyle of being a Digital Nomad are:


Become a “Cubicle Survivor”

Gone are the days where you are slouched in your cubicle, listening to the hands on the clock “tick” with every second go by as you count down the seconds till you are done for the day. With the life as a digital nomad, you no longer have to dream about trading in those grey cubicle walls and fluorescent lights for beach side cafes and natural sunlight, as that is your life! Hence why the top hash tags for a digital nomad are #escapethe9to5 and #cubiclesurvivor! You can literally choose whichever you want your office space to be, how awesome is that?



No need to peer over your desk to see if your boss is around so you can sneak out a few minutes early, as you pretty much make up your own hours! Keep in mind you will need to be near your computer at times where it may be a change in time zone for specific project due dates, but other than that, the only requirements you have is good WIFI and which café makes the best coffee! Cubicle Survivors make great coffee connoisseurs!


Escape the Rat race

No more waking up to an obnoxious alarm clock, rushing to get ready, to being stuck in morning traffic jams, to get to a job that does not satisfy your soul. You can now follow your soul’s desire to travel to various countries as you soak up numerous diverse cultures, and check things off the bucket list while you are self-funding the whole journey!


You can be WHOEVER you want to be!

As you break free from the constraints of the “normalcy” lifestyle, you leave the societal pressure that has placed expectations on how you define yourself. From work environments, peers, and even your own expectations, you may have set limits that you were unaware of. When you are out in this big wide-open world, around people whom do not know you (yet), you can literally re-invent yourself and start something new. This can all be done free of judgement, so get out there and do whatever your heart desires, you have one life… so be fully-authentically-YOU!!!!!


Lifestyle Flexibility

Hate the bone chilling winters? Then trade in your boots for flip-flops and never live a winter day again. Your winter hobbies can include paddle boarding on tropical waters, or rock climbing with some epic scenery. No more waiting till your vacation time, as YOU create your vacation time.

If this freedom and flexibility lifestyle speaks to you, answer it! If it intimidates you, perfect! That means you are thinking big and living! You have all the skills at your fingertips with Places such as Q Academy whom will ensure you have the knowledge to be successful, all you have to do is make that leap.

You have one life, so break free of that comfort zone and live it with no constraints.

Much Love,

Julie French AKA The Fit Gypsy

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Bhupesh Pawar
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