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Name a Star for Free

George Burdell
Name a Star for Free

How to name a star

... and be happy with it!
If you want to name a star, you will find a large number of web-sites out there offering this intriguing service. Some are expensive, others are even more expensive. It's difficult to choose the best star naming company, so we came up with a short tutorial on how to best name a star.
First, choose a wonderful name and dedication for your star! Make it personal! It must be unique for whomever you will gift the star to!
Next, pick the right location and constellation. The twelve constellations of the zodiac are most popular, but there are 76 more with beautiful names like Sculptor or Berenice's Hair! Choose the one that fits best and is most personal.
The next step is most important: Pick the right star naming company! Make sure the company offers free star naming. Nobody owns the stars, so nobody can sell them. Only a free star will last forever in the heart of the presentee!
It's that easy. We recommend you handcraft a present around the certificate of your star. A handcrafted present means a lot to most people, compared to an expensive star naming package from a random company that is just handed over.

Wait! Why must it be free?

It's very simple: The only official authority to name stars is the International Astronomical Union (IAU). And they won't let you name a star. You can read their official statement on star naming here. Regardless whether you name a star for free or pay a lot of money for it: It is exactly the same! Even better: Only free star naming has been acknowledged by astronomers! Read more at Sky and Telescope or Astronomie.at.

Be careful with visible stars!

Some web sites let you name visible or even well visible stars. But if you look at the night sky, there are only a few thousand visible stars, and only a few hundred well visible stars. If you name a visible star, it is very likely that thousands of other people have named that same star before you. Do you really want to name a star that has thousands of names already? What is such a star name worth after all?

Why do some web sites say free star naming is not legit?

Because they want your money! Why should they tell you something else? Think twice before spending money and make a wise decision. Free star naming is just as legit as commercial star naming! Better spend the money for a neclace or some other nice present that goes along with your free star that comes from your heart.
George Burdell
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