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Impact of Blockchain Technology on Mobile Healthcare

Maegan Cook
Impact of Blockchain Technology on Mobile Healthcare

Healthcare management has to deal with data processing and data security. Evolving technology has made it possible for physicians to check the EHR (Electronic Health Record) and EMR (Electronic Medical Record) as and when necessary.


But, patients have no full ownership of their digitized medical records, and they are unable to control the way their information is updated online. Simply put, we are still missing on the transparency front in the customized healthcare mobility solution

Also, as the concepts of IoMT (Internet of Medical Things) and wearables are getting mainstreamed in the healthcare sector, concerns related to data security in the areas of personalized medicine and health data loom large. 

Patients and healthcare professionals need a secure and robust way to record and transmit data in real-time.  There, blockchain technology comes to our rescue. 

Scope of Blockchain in Healthcare Sector

Blockchain came into the limelight as a platform for recording cryptocurrency transactions back in 2008. However, it was just a distributed cloud-based ledger at that time. Today, blockchain evolves to make the entire data sharing system safe and transparent across various industry sectors. 

Original Source: Impact of Blockchain Technology on Mobile Healthcare

Maegan Cook
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