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Java 8's Most Important New Features

Nishit Agarwal
Java 8's Most Important New Features

1. Overview

In this article, we will take a quick look at some of the most exciting new features in Java 8.

We will talk about: default interface and static ways, method reference, and Optional.

We’ve already covered some of the features of the Java 8 release – stream API, lambda expression, and C programming online course – as they are complete themes that are suitable for a different look jobs and employment.


2. Default Interface Methods and Static Methods

Before Java 8, communicators could only have unintelligible social media. Could not add new functionality to an existing interface without forcing all startup classes to create the use of new methods, and it was not possible to create an interface using the application.

Starting with Java 8, visual connectors can have fixed and default modes that jobs and employment, without being announced on the interface, have defined development.


2.1: The Solid Way

Consider the following interface (let’s call this Vehicle interface):

Static String Producer () {

Return “N & F Vehicles”;


The static producer () method is only available within and within the development. Cannot overwrite the start section.

To call it without a visible connector the standard static call method should be used:

Rope Manufacturer = Car Manufacturer ();


2.2. Default Method

Default methods are announced using the new default keyword. This is achieved with an example of a working-class and can be written C programming online course.

Let’s add a default path to the Car’s interface, which will also drive the vertical path of this interface:

Default String GetOverview () {

Return ATV generated by “+ producer ();


Assume that this interface is used in the VehicleImpl category. Using the default method an example of this section should be made:

Car = New car ();

Cord view = car.getOverview ();


3. Methods of Identification

The route guide can be used as another short and readable alternative to the lambda saying which calls only the existing route. There are four types of road directions.


3.1: Static Method Reference

Standby Reference contains the following syntax: ContainsClass:: methodName.

Let’s try to count all the empty strings in the <String> list with the help of the Stream API.

Boolean Israel = list.stream (). AnyMatch (u -> User.isRealUser (u));

Take a closer look at the lambda expression in the form of any match (), just call the vertical pathRealUser (User User) section of the User section. A reference to the vertical route may therefore be included:

Boolean isReal = list.stream (). AnyMatch (User :: isRealUser);

This type of code looks very informative.


3.2. Instance Method Index

The model method reference contains the following syntax: containing instance:: methodName. To follow the call method of the Advanced full stack developer course code (String string) of C programming online course type that verifies the input parameter:

User = New User ();

Boolean isLegalName = list.stream (). AnyMatch (user :: isLegalName);


3.3: Reference for the Status of a Particular Object

This scan method takes the following syntax: ContainingType :: methodName. Example ::

Long count = list.stream (). Filter (String :: isEmpty) .count ();


3.4: Builder Reference

Reference builder takes the following syntax: ClassName:: new. Since the builder in Java is a special method, the path index can also be used with the help of a new word as the pathname.

Stream <User> stream = list.stream (). Map (User :: new);


4. Options <T>

Before the Java 8 developers need to carefully verify the targeted values, as they may have dropped NullPointerException (NPE). All of these tests require code in a good boilerplate that is annoying and error-free.

The Java 8 Optional <T> section can help manage situations where there is a chance of getting NPE. It works as a container for type T items. It can return the value of this Advanced full stack developer course. If this value is not true. When the value inside this container does not work it allows to perform some of the aforementioned actions instead of throwing NPE jobs and employment.


4.1: Optional Creation <T>

An example of the Optional section can be constructed with the help of its standard methods:

Options <String> optional = Optional.empty ();

Returning Empty Option.

String str = “value”;

Options <String> optional = Optional.of (str);

Returns Options that contain invalid value.

Options <String> optional = Optional.ofNullable (getString ());

It will return a random value or an empty option if the parameter does not work.


4.2. Optional <T> Usage

For example, you expect to get the <String> List and in the case of null, you want to replace it with a new ArrayList <String> example. With the pre-Java 8 code, you need to do something like this

There is an additional boilerplate code where you need to access the field of p traditionally. Assume you have a user-type object with an address type field and an Advanced full stack developer course.  type field path. And for some reason you need to reset the street value if there is or there is a default value when the road is not working:



However, the information presented in this article is a good place to start exploring and learning about some of these new Development features.

Nishit Agarwal
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