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What Is Hepatitis C? Treatment with Ledihep 400/90 Mg


Hepatitis C is a virus-borne infection. Hepatitis C is a virus that can harm your liver.Damage occurs slowly most of the time, but it can also happen swiftly.

This harm can have a negative impact on your health and quality of life. Because liver damage begins gradually, most persons with hepatitis C live a long period. Ledihep 400/90 mg can be your additional support.

How can you know if you have hepatitis C for sure?

Hepatitis C is diagnosed through blood tests. Expert's offices, clinics, hospitals, and community walk-in facilities are all good venues to get tested. They will run two blood tests: one to detect the antibodies your body produces when battling a hepatitis C infection, and another to detect the antibodies your body produces when fighting a hepatitis B infection.

If you have antibodies to the hepatitis C virus in your blood, it suggests you have had the virus in your body before. This does not necessarily imply that you are still infected with hepatitis C. This is due to the fact that some people's systems naturally eliminate the infection. If this is the case, it usually occurs within the first 6 months of a person's hepatitis C infection.If the hepatitis C virus is present in your blood, you have hepatitis C right now.

Is it natural to experience mixed emotions after learning you have hepatitis C?

Yes. After learning that you have hepatitis C, you may experience feelings of worry, numbness, relief, sadness, dread, or even tranquilly. Different people react differently, and these reactions can shift over time.

Allow yourself time to adjust to the new information on new process and new medication such as ledihep 400/90 mg. The notion of having hepatitis C may seem more tolerable as you learn more.

If you're feeling overwhelmed, talk to someone you can trust about how you're feeling. You could speak with a family member, a friend, a community worker, a expert, a nurse, or a counsellor, for example.

What is the impact of hepatitis C on my body?

Hepatitis C can cause liver damage. Fibrosis is the medical term for this type of scarring or damage. This damage could grow over time, eventually covering nearly the whole liver. Cirrhosis is the medical term for this condition. Cirrhosis might make it difficult for your liver to operate normally.

This can result in major health issues, such as liver cancer, liver failure, and the need for a liver transplant.

If you drink too much alcohol or have HIV, your liver will be damaged more quickly.

Is hepatitis C treatable and curable?

Yes! Hepatitis C treatment cures roughly 95% of those infected with the virus.Curing hepatitis C prevents the virus from developing more liver damage and may enhance your quality of life. Everyone should discuss their treatment options with their healthcare provider.

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