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Rear Delt Fly: Say bye-bye to saggy shoulders and full-sleeves

Rear Delt Fly: Say bye-bye to saggy shoulders and full-sleeves

“One area that many women (and men) neglect is the backs of their shoulders or rear delts. Never neglect the backside of your body! If you want fully developed shoulders, you must include rear delt flys,” said Chadwell. So, are you ready to say good-bye to full sleeves and those saggy shoulders? If, yes! Then let’s begin. There are several variations of Rear Delt fly that you can always try such as Cable Rear Delt Fly, Dumbbell Rear Delt fly and Machine Rear Deltoid fly etc. And in this article, we are briefly going to discuss them and how can one practise them? So, let’s get started then.

Cable Rear Delt fly:

The Cable Rear Delt fly or the reverse cable fly is a great exercise that not only increases your deltoid muscle but also enhances its definition and strength. Cable Rear Delt Fly engages a variety of upper body muscles along with your rear posterior deltoids. That’s right! If one were to put it simply, then practising Cable Rear Delt Fly can reap you many results while also greatly improving your shoulder workout routine by a significant degree. Below is the step by step instruction on how to perform one!

How to do Cable Rear Delt Fly?

  1. First, assume a standing position with your feet shoulder-width apart. 
  2. Now set the pulleys of the cable machine to a height that’s just above your head and grab the handle in a cross manner, that is the left handle with your right hand and the right handle with your left hand.
  3. Now that you have assumed the needed position, stand in the centre of the cable machine and take a step backwards to create some tension in the cables.
  4. While to step backwards to create tension, tighten your core and try to contract your rear (posterior) delts as much as possible to bring your arms backwards until you feel a pinch in your shoulder blades and exhale. However, don’t overdo it.
  5. Now, slowly bring your arms back to the cross position and inhaleTry to maintain only a slight bend in your arms during this motion, although your core must be fully tightened, for better results. 
  6. Repeat!

High Cable Rear Delt Fly:

High Cable Rear Delt Fly is yet another great variation of Rear Delt fly and one of the great exercises for isolating the posterior muscles of the shoulders.

This variation of Rear Delt Fly only differs with the previous one in the aspect of height. In cable Rear Delt Fly, you adjust the height that’s not much higher than your head but in High Cable Rear Delt Fly, you can set it as much high as you prefer. High Cable Rear Delt Fly emphasis on the upper back, traps and engages the core muscles that help to keep the upper body stable and the lower back supported. It can be used as a finisher for a shoulder or back workout routine. You can also get better results by using lightweight for doing this exercise so that you can focus on proper form and technique. This exercise adds mobility to your shoulders which is essential for activities such as boxing, swimming, tennis, basketball and gymnastics.

How to do a High Cable Rear Delt Fly?

  1. First, assume a standing position with your feet shoulder-width apart. 
  2. Now set the pulleys of the cable machine with its height as much high as you prefer and grab the handle in a cross manner, that is the left handle with your right hand and the right handle with your left hand.
  3. Now that you have assumed the needed position, stand in the centre of the cable machine and take a step backwards to create some tension in the cables.
  4. While to step backwards to create tension, tighten your core and try to contract your rear (posterior) delts as much as possible to bring your arms backwards until you feel a pinch in your shoulder blades and exhale. However, don’t overdo it.
  5. Now, slowly bring your arms back to the cross position and inhaleTry to maintain only a slight bend in your arms during this motion, although your core must be fully tightened, for better results. 
  6. Repeat!

Rear Delt fly machine?

Machine rear deltoid fly or machine reverse fly, next in our list of, ‘exploration of Rear Dealt Fly work-out variation’ is another great exercise for the rear part of the shoulder. The rear delt exercises fly machine provides a uniform resistance throughout the range of movement along with several technical adjustments to grip, trajectory, and range of motion to help isolate the posterior deltoid. The rear deltoid machine fly is a better alternative if compared to bend over lateral raise. Reason? That’s because this stack-based machine provides you with continuous tension in a circular pathway. The machine also allows you to work with considerable weight without the support of your torso, which is often the case in the equivalent free weight exercise. It also makes it easier on your back as the machine rules out the standing position from the scenario. Now below is a short guide as to how to do Machine Rear Delt fly.

How to do Rear Delt Fly using a machine?

  1. First thing first, sit with your chest against the pad on the machine, chest up and back straight. Now adjust the seat of the machine so that your hands are at shoulder height when you hold on the handles. 
  2. Start by grabbing on to the horizontal handles and extend your arms. Now once you have assumed the instructed position, open your arms backwards in a movement like a reverse hug keeping your elbows straight, don’t lock them out and contract your Rear Delts, while doing so.
  3. Hold and squeeze your shoulder blades together, while keeping your elbows high and arms roughly parallel to the floor during the movement. 
  4. Pause for a moment in that position and then return the weights slowly to the floor.

Dumbbell Rear Delt Fly:

The Dumbbell Rear Delt fly or the dumbbell reverse fly is the same thing and also the last but not the least in our list of, ‘exploration of Rear Dealt Fly work-out variation’ as well. Dumbbell Rear Delt Fly is a great exercise that increases your deltoid muscle definition and strength as well as several upper body muscles. It also focuses on your rear posterior deltoids and believes me when I say that incorporating Dumbbell Rear Delt fly in your work-out routine will greatly improve your shoulder workout routine. Below are instruction on how to perform one.

How to do a Dumbbell Rear Delt fly?

  1.   First, assume a standing position with your feet shoulder-width apart and hinge at the waist until your back is roughly parallel to the floor
  2. Bent your arms slightly, contract your rear deltoids and squeeze your shoulder blades together as you bring the weight upwards. And exhale at the top of the rep.
  3. Now hold on to that position for a moment and slowly bring your arms back down to the starting position, while maintaining tightness in your core.
  4. Repeat


When done correctly, the Rear Delt fly not only targets the posterior deltoid muscle, but also the middle and lower trap, infraspinatus, rhomboids and teres minor as well. Try to avoid using weights that are too heavy to hinge forward or far enough at the hips, although can cause other muscles, such as the upper trap, to kick in but might compromise with your posture. Instead, try to concentrate more on keeping your shoulder blades pulled down and together throughout the movement. Also, do not let your shoulders shrug up toward your ears, keep them down and controlled. However, if you experience pain in any joint then immediately stop performing this exercise, as this might be because lack of strength and stability especially if you lack stabilization strength and exhibit excessive curvature in your upper spine. Try to work on improving your posture and movement patterns before you go for this exercise or any of its variation. Period.

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