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Magnetic Shaft Coupling: Processes And Use

Dexter Magnetic Technologies
Magnetic Shaft Coupling: Processes And Use

Magnetic Shaft Coupling:

Attractive couplings are shaft couplings that utilization an attractive field rather than an actual mechanical association with communicate force starting with one shaft then onto the next. They are non-contact and use fascination and repugnance of the attractive shafts to send rotational power.


Because a static, physical barrier may be created between the two shafts to isolate the fluid from the motor running in air, magnetic shaft couplings are most commonly utilized for liquid pumps and propeller systems. Magnetic shaft coupling eliminate the need for shaft seals, which wear out and break over time as two surfaces slide against each other. When physical shaft couplings are employed, magnetic couplings are also used for ease of maintenance on systems that generally demand precision alignment, because they allow for more off axis error between the motor and driven shaft.

Power can be transferred to centrifugal pumps using a magnetic connection. It consists of a primary part that is rigidly attached to the motor shaft and a secondary part that is mounted alongside the impeller on a shaft. Permanent magnets are used in both the primary and secondary sections.

With the discretionary plate coupling, the magnets face each other pivotally, permitting forces to be sent through level dividers. The air hole can be acclimated to change the communicable force.



While all attractive couplings utilize similar attractive properties and fundamental mechanical powers, there are two sorts that vary by plan.

Circle type couplings highlighting two eye to eye plate parts installed with a progression of magnets where force is moved across the hole from one plate to the next.


Simultaneous sort couplings, for example, super durable dexter magnets couplings, coaxial couplings and rotor couplings where an inner rotor is settled within an outer rotor and extremely durable magnets move force from one rotor to the next.

Notwithstanding the two principle types, attractive couplings incorporate round, capricious, twisting and nonlinear plans. These attractive coupling options help in the utilization of force and vibration, explicitly utilized in applications for science, science, quantum mechanics, and water power.

How much force produced by this cycle is controlled by factors, for example,


Working temperature

Climate in which handling happens

Attractive polarization

Number of post sets

Aspects of post sets, including hole, breadth and tallness

Relative precise offset of the sets

Shift of the sets


Contingent upon the arrangement of the magnets and plates or rotors, the attractive polarization is spiral, digressive or hub. Force is then moved to at least one moving parts.


Features of magnetic couplings


Attractive couplings are viewed as better than customary mechanical couplings in more than one way.

The absence of contact with moving parts

Lessens contact

Delivers less hotness

Utilizes power delivered

Brings about less mileage

Creates no commotion

Takes out the requirement for grease

Likewise, gadgets utilizing attractive couplings are more practical than mechanical couplings when situated in regions with restricted admittance. Attractive couplings are a famous decision for testing purposes and transitory establishment.


Applications: Attractive couplings are exceptionally productive and successful for a considerable length of time ground applications including:


Advanced mechanics

Synthetic designing

Clinical instruments

Machine establishment

Food handling

Revolving machines

Dexter Magnetic Technologies
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