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Summer is coming... How to Lose a Lot of Weight over the Summer?

Summer is coming... How to Lose a Lot of Weight over the Summer?

The summer is the season of enjoyment and full of fun! It is a time when we all make plans for vacations and are in full mood to relish various foods and cuisines. The activity level of our body boosts and we feel more energetic and lively than before. Parties, swimming pools, beaches, etc., all make summer one of the best times of the entire year! In this enjoyable phase, sometimes we take our health for granted and start eating a lot to satisfy our cravings. But not to forget, there are also plenty of opportunities to eat food that, while tasty, assists us in our weight loss journey.


While weight loss may seem to be tough in winters due to decreased metabolism levels of the body, summers come with a great opportunity to correct the mistakes we did in winters that lead to weight gain. According to a WEIGHT LOSS CLINIC IN DELHI, weight loss can be reduced to a simple formula: eat fewer calories than you burn.


To help you lose that extra fat, you first must know what should be your ideal weight. For this, we use the concept of BMI: Body Mass Index. BMI is a person’s weight in kilograms (kg) divided by the square of the person’s height in meters (m). You can calculate your BMI manually or from a BMI calculator. It is only after knowing your correct BMI, that you can take steps forward towards your weight loss program.


A BMI below 18.5 is considered underweight, between 18.5-24.9 is a normal or healthy weight, in between 25-29.9 range is considered overweight, while a BMI greater than 30 is considered obese. These are a few classes in which we divide people according to their BMI Index.


One of the best WEIGHT LOSS CLINIC IN DELHI suggests some of the measures that can be adopted in summers to help lose weight faster. One can follow the following steps to easily reduce their weight in summer.


1. Keep a track of how many calories you need to take and burn

It has been observed that people cut their calories extremely in the initial time of their weight loss journey to get the results faster. However, such a type of decision may not seem to be fruitful in the long run. Moreover, it is also important that you do not eat less than your Basal Metabolic Rate, the number of calories your body needs to function effectively when at rest.


2. Stop eating when you feel full

One of the best WEIGHT LOSS CLINIC IN DELHI says, do not overeat your meals. Your mind and stomach give you a signal when your body is full. Be smart enough to understand these sensor signals!


3. Eat slowly

The process of eating too fast disturbs the frequency of the signal that your body gives when you are full. Eating slowly gives you a sense of satisfaction. Also, eat foods that are high in water content.


4. Try to limit or else eliminate fast food

Fast food, although tempting, brings along with it a whole bundle of bad cholesterol and is a big hindrance in your journey. Also, do not overeat your meals. Overeating mostly becomes one of the biggest reasons for gaining weight.


5. Choose low-fat dairy options

Doing this helps to reduce the intake of saturated fats, thereby helping you to reduce weight. For eg, Buy milk and cottage cheese with 1% fat or less. Choose low-fat or fat-free yogurts.

When buying cheese, pick hard cheeses that are lower in fat, such as cheddar or parmesan. Avoid the soft and gooey cheeses.


6. Increase the movement of your body

Not only go to the gym, but sometimes opt for a nature walk, brisk walk, or do yoga, strength training exercises to burn extra fat. Walking in nature has many proven benefits for our mental and physical wellbeing. According to one of the best WEIGHT LOSS CLINIC IN DELHI, walking at a moderate pace for 30 minutes can burn up to 150 calories. Combined with a healthy diet and strength training, you may find you lose weight.



There may be ups and downs in your journey but being consistent is the key. Never feel down or think that you are not gonna achieve it. Keep a positive attitude throughout. With these simple yet effective tips, according to the WEIGHT LOSS CLINIC IN DELHI, your weight loss journey will be smooth, simple yet effective, and provide visible results within less time.

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