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Aluminium Tilt and Turn Windows

Aluminium Tilt and Turn Windows

Customers no longer want “just any window” but expect to get the right windows for their home, their tastes, and their budget. Whatever your property and your requirements, Alteza aluminium tilt and turn windows will be made to suit those needs.

Tilt and turn windows open inwards, and look best on modern designs. These types of windows fundamentally open on two axes: tilting when ventilation is needed and turning to work like a regular casement window.

In the tilt position, the window tilts inwards into the room – remaining fixed at the base. In this position, the window provides ventilation, enables easy cleaning, and also shielding off rain. Alteza heavy-duty tilt and turn window designs offer maximum security, energy efficiency, and durability without compromising on style. Customization is also possible: glazing & glass options, robust hardware, choice of colours, and sizes.

Features & Benefits

  • Allows maximum ventilation and easy cleaning
  • Made using world-class technology
  • Versatile and durable
  • All surfaces are very finely smoothed and intricately finished
  • Resilient to warping, corrosion and flexing
  • Branded genuine glass & hardware from OEMs
  • Eco-friendly
  • Up to 6 feet high
  • Customization in terms of size, colour, glass, glazing and hardware

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