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10 Easy Ways to be More Sustainable

Al Omraniya
10 Easy Ways to be More Sustainable

Our current way of living isn’t sustainable. We have made poor choices that have resulted in a poor environment and quality. Climate change is not a topic for discussion at the UN, in other word a fact.

If we are to save our environment, it’s time that everyone gives sustainable living a serious thought. We all have the power to make positive changes in our lives.

What is sustainable living?

Simply put, sustainable living is a way of life that does not use as many natural resources as possible and causes as little environmental damage as possible. Future generations won’t have enough resources if we live as we do today, using all of the natural resources we have and causing ongoing damage to the environment. We will talk about the 10 easy ways to be more sustainable.


10 Easy ways to be more Sustainable

There are many ways to be more sustainable lifestyle. These are some easy ideas that you can use in various areas of your daily life. It makes no difference how big or tiny your first step is. Just start somewhere.

1. Change your buying habits to live sustainably

Consume less

Living a sustainable lifestyle requires that you consume less. Most of the waste we create is from buying unnecessary items. Change your mind and only buy what you need.

Make the most of what you already have

It’s a good idea to check things before you buy new stuff from the store. You can store your fridge. Instead of using plastic bags, use reusable containers and sandwich bags. You can also buy cleaning cloths. Find an old shirt in your closet and make rags from it.

If possible, buy products that are not packaged or with recyclable packaging

Plastic produce bags end up in the garbage bin. Plastic is one of our most hazardous materials. You can reduce the amount of plastic bags ending up in your trash by purchasing your products loosely and storing them in reusable produce bags. Buy brands that use recyclable cardboard boxes, reusable containers, or jars if you cannot find certain products.

Bring reusable shopping bags

To eliminate plastic bags, you can always use reusable shopping bags instead of the store your packing groceries in plastic paper bags.

Local shopping

Local shopping is great for the economy and the environment. Most local stores and markets use less plastic wrap for packaging their food. Local shopping is a great way for you to get more zero-waste options at a lower price

2. Sustainable Living in the House

Recycle everything that you can

Consider recycling any items you have before throwing them out. You can recycle most household items, including plastic, cardboard, paper, aluminum cans, and bottles.

Use energy-efficient light bulbs

LED bulbs consume less energy than regular incandescent bulbs. Installing energy-efficient bulbs can help you save up to 35% on your lighting costs in your home and office.

Air filters can be replaced or cleaned

Did you know that your heater and air conditioner use the most energy in your house? If this weren’t enough, dirty filters could cause them to use more energy. To save energy, clean or replace dirty filters.

Do full loads

A full load uses almost twice as much water and energy as a half load. Therefore, it is more efficient to wash your dishwasher or washing machine after full.

Water conservation

Water is a finite resource, something that most people don’t know. Our wasteful lifestyles are causing the earth to run out of water quickly. You can live sustainably by making conscious efforts to conserve your household water usage.

Solar energy

Solar energy is a natural energy source from the sun that can lower your energy bills almost to zero.

3. Choose sustainable food options

Bulk Purchases

It is an economical way to grocery shop, and it will help you live a longer life.

Dry foods include grains, canned food, and detergents. Self-care products such as body lotions, soaps, and shampoos are also available. You can also buy office and school supplies. These are just a few of the items you might want to buy in bulk.

Get loose produce

Always buy fruit and vegetables in loose packages. For your fruits and vegetables, you can bring small bags with you.

Purchase ethically or Locally sourced/produced foods

Instead of buying imported fruits and vegetables, eat local food. These foods require a lot of fossil fuel energy to transport to the local supermarket.

Look for local food or ethically produced food. Organic fertilizer is used, and farmers are paid fair wages.

Make your food

It’s easier to be more sustainable lifestyle by cooking your meals than relying on takeout. You’ll save so much plastic each year and also save money!

Take your lunch with you to work

Take a packed lunch with you to work or school. You can even go further and use eco-friendly, sustainable lunch boxes to transport your food instead of plastic.

Use reusable strainers to make loose leaf tea from your teabags

Teabags are made of plastic. This plastic waste can be reduced by using loose leaf tea in a reusable filter instead of teabags.

Do not buy bottled water

Are you a water-savvy person? Bravo! You are doing your body a favor by purchasing bottled water. Instead, purchase an eco-friendly water bottle and refill it whenever you need water.

4. Be conscious of sustainable travel and tourism

Green options are available

While staying in fancy hotels can be exciting, living sustainably while you travel is important. These hotels compost or recycle waste and use renewable energy. Ecolodges can be a good choice because they promote conservation.

Avoid animal exploitation

Tourism is a major cause of animal cruelty. Sustainable tourism is a way to be friendly with wildlife. Instead of visiting zoos that keep animals captive, see them in their natural environment. It would be best to encourage wildlife rides, performances, or animals for photographic props.

Reduce your impact

As planes transport people, they emit a lot more carbon. Flying fuel-efficient airlines can help you reduce your carbon footprint.

Avoid eating endangered species

You will likely be eager to try the local delights when you visit the next destination. Be careful what you eat. Avoid eating food made with endangered species, such as turtle egg soup. Don’t purchase illegally-traded souvenirs of animals made from ivory or seashells.

Local food

If you stay in a property with a kitchen you can use to cook, you should visit the local farmer’s markets or ethical grocery stores. You can also buy vegetables and meat at these stores and make your meals. If you’re looking for a restaurant, consider local options instead of international fast-food chains.

5. Choose Sustainable Fashion

Second hand

Consider buying pre-owned items when buying furniture for your home or clothes. The treasures that you will find in second-hand shops are amazing.

Quality products are worth the investment

While high-quality products may be more expensive than cheaper ones, they will last longer and won’t need to be replaced as often. They are also easier to repair if they do break.

A capsule wardrobe can help you become a minimalist

Take a look at what you have in your closet. What number of clothing items do you wear? I am sure you have some favorites. Please get rid of the things you don’t wear anymore, and donate them to keep your wardrobe minimal.

Support ethical fashion brands

If you have to purchase new clothes, make sure that the brand supports the environment in producing them. Always search for ethical fashion companies that use eco-friendly materials to create their products.

Men’s clothes

You can keep your wardrobe small by repairing any clothes you already love. With basic sewing skills and the right tools, you can do this easily. You can hire a professional if you are unable to do it yourself.

6. Switch to Sustainable Beauty Practices

Let your hair air dry naturally

If you don’t have special occasions, save energy and let your hair air dry naturally.

Avoid using facial wipes

Facial wipes can be single-use and end up in the trash bin, wasting too much paper. Instead, use a cleanser and wipe your face with a moist washable cloth.

Natural beauty options are available

Many eco-friendly products can be used to clean your skin. It would be best to look for products made with natural ingredients like coconut oil and aloe vera.

Support sustainable beauty brands

Look for organic makeup brands when you are looking to purchase beauty products. These products are free from chemicals, parabens, and genetically modified ingredients.

Non-toxic beauty products

Many beauty products contain harmful ingredients that can harm the environment and our bodies. You can live sustainably by switching to non-toxic products for your skin.

Fill where it is possible

See if you can get a refill before throwing away or replacing things in your bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, and bedroom. To reduce packaging, more and more brands offer refills. A refill can be cheaper than purchasing a new one.

Reusable cotton pads

Reusable cotton pads are a great way to get rid of your makeup. These pads are durable and reduce waste. They can be used for all skin types.

7. Sustainable Living on the Go

Bring your reusables

A coffee pot, a reusable water container for your daily water refill, and a takeaway container for your takeout food should be included. This will significantly reduce single-use plastic.

Plastic is unacceptable

Buy takeout food and drink using non-plastic or reusable straws.

Get out and start walking or biking

You can give up your car and ride a bicycle or walk every once in a while. Even if you only need to run a few errands on weekends.

Switch to an eco-friendly vehicle

You may find it difficult to part with your car, so why not replace your petrol- or diesel-powered car with an eco-friendly alternative that emits zero or minimal emissions?

Remote work is possible

Some companies won’t allow remote workers, but others will. Remote work will help reduce carbon emissions because you won’t have to drive your car as much.

8. Choose Sustainable Products

Choose eco-friendly cleaning products

Switch to non-toxic, environmentally friendly cleaning products instead of chemical-based cleaners. Chemical-based cleaning products can cause damage to your pets, family members, and the environment.

Fashion made ethically

Many of the beautiful fashion items you see in stores are made by people living in poverty in third-world countries and getting paid peanuts.

9. Personal hygiene products

Personal care products that are eco-friendly

Go for biodegradable, eco-friendly personal hygiene products if you want to more sustainable. Make sure you use only natural products such as body wash, toothpaste, and face scrub

Plastic-free feminine hygiene products

You can replace sanitary pads and tampons with washable cloth liners. Organic cotton sanitary pads are also available. The Diva Cup is a reusable cup that some women prefer.

10. Eco friendly Jewellery

Recycled gold jewelry is a great option for jewelry. Recycling gold jewelry reduces demand for new gold and is more environmentally friendly.

Buy some wire pegs to hang your clothes

Although plastic pegs are cheap, they are of poor quality and should be replaced now and again. They are also harmful to the environment. Stainless steel is a better choice. It lasts forever and doesn’t require constant replacement.

It would be best if you made lifestyle changes that will last. You can be proactive about living a sustainable lifestyle, and you will succeed!

Al Omraniya
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