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Top 7 Spots in Australia to Encounter Whales

Top 7 Spots in Australia to Encounter Whales

There are plenty of reasons to visit Australia. Welcoming locals, delicious food, and breathtaking scenery are just some of the reasons why this country should be on your travel bucket list. The Australian nightlife, as well as the local music scene, will also make you fall in love with this place instantly. However, the most majestic thing about Australia is its wildlife. Unique and gorgeous, its flora and fauna are bound to amaze you. Specifically, whales will take your breath away and here are some of the most popular locations for whale watching!

Warrnambool, Victoria 

When choosing your next travel destination, you should be aware of your reasons for the visit. For instance, if you’re travelling to see the whales only, you should pay special attention to the time of your visit. If you’re going to Victoria, you should schedule your visit sometime during the summer. From June to September, whales will come into the sheltered bays to give birth. 

Not just any whales, you could encounter southern right whales during this period. The best location for this is Warrnambool. Due to their slow pace, they are perfect for watching and you’ll have plenty of time to enjoy the sight. The viewing platform will allow you to observe mothers and calves on Logans Beach. If you’re lucky and you happen to be in Warrnambool in May, you may see an occasional blue whale as well!

Victor Harbor, South Australia 

If you’re planning to travel sometime between June and October, you should go to South Australia. There, you might encounter southern right whales. They come here to mate and calve and they won’t be leaving these waters until October. As they rarely swim faster than 10km/h, they are ideal for watching. They will also swim rather close to the shore, so you’ll definitely have a good look at them.

Other than southern right whales, you could see some humpbacks, orcas, sperm whales, and blue whales here as well. The South Australian Whale Centre is located in Victor Harbor as well. Make sure to seize the opportunity to visit it and learn more about these magnificent creatures. This is perfect if you’re interested in some interactive exhibits and learning about whaling. 

Great Australian Bight Marine Park, South Australia

Another space for watching southern right whales is Great Australian Bight Marine Park. They visit these waters to mate and calve. They also stick around to nurse their young here. That is why they can be seen in SA most of the year. From May to October, they will reside in this region. Once you get to the cliff tops in the Head of Bight, the sight will be mesmerizing. 

Dolphins, Australian sea lions, and great white sharks also reside in these waters, along with some other whale species. Unfortunately, this area isn’t very populated. Coastal whaling in the 19th century for oil and baleen have caused this to happen. However, the area is recovering slowly. 

Bremer Canyon, West Australia

When it comes to the West part of Australia, Bremer Canyon should definitely be on your travel list. Even though it is a small coastal township, Bremer Bay is the home to some magnificent whale species. One thing that should be on your travel bucket list is watching the glorious orca in Bremer Bay for sure. While you may see an orca in other places as well, this is the only place where the experience is guaranteed. 

January to April is the period when you could go to Bremer Canyon. Here, next to the orca, you’ll be able to spot plenty of other whale types as well. For instance, you could encounter killer whales, beaked whales, blue sharks, sperm whales, and giant squids. All of these species, as well as lots of seabirds, congregate here. 

Great Barrier Reef, Queensland

June and July are the perfect months for visiting Australia if you want to see whales such as the minke type. Specifically, you could see these in the Great Barrier Reef. You could be lucky enough to see the curious dwarf minke whales. Not much is known about these species which is why seeing them would be such a treat. 

The migration pattern and life cycle of the dwarf minke whales remain under the veil of mystery. However, these subspecies are easily recognisable. They are very small and they come in mottled grey, white, and black colouration. 

Hervey Bay, Queensland

While you’re in Queensland, you should also make sure to visit Hervey Bay. Humpback whales are regular here as this is one of their way south. During their annual migration south, they will stop in Hervey Bay from July to November. In late November, the whales continue going south. This is also the world’s first Whale Heritage Site. 

The whales will spend their days there frolicking and launching themselves into the air. They will also spend some time teaching their young some tricks. The sight will truly take your breath away. One particularly interesting activity is swimming with these beautiful mammals. If you’re brave enough, you should definitely join them for a swim!

Eden, New South Whales

Toward the end of the year, Eden is the perfect whale watching site. During September – November, you could spend some time observing pods of humpbacks. Swimming close to the shore, they will be worthy of your time. The best thing is that you’ll be able to see them from any spot. There are plenty of land-based vantage points you could use for watching them. 

They will be on their southward migration during this time and they will be taking their claves with them. If you go further from the coast, you could see some killer whales and sperm whales as well. If you happen to be there in October, make sure to visit the annual whale festival. 


Whale watching is a unique and interesting activity and there is no better way to spend your time in Australia than this one. Make sure to see some humpbacks, orcas, minke whales, and many others during your stay. Pay close attention to the time and location when booking flights and enjoy your Australian adventure!

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