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About Pooran Best Dental Clinic In Chandigarh, 9988354566

Pooran Dental Clinic
About Pooran Best Dental Clinic In Chandigarh, 9988354566

Pooran Dental Clinic consistently makes it to the list of Best Dental Clinic In Chandigarh, owing to our great team of Dentist specialists ,doctors, and cutting edge contact us 9988354566.

Pooran Dental and Cosmetic Clinic in Chandigarh has a team of specialists headed by Dr Shobit Sethi (MDS Orthodontics ) and Dr Apoorva Rana Sethi ( MDS Endodontics).

The clinic offers various dental and cosmetic procedures including INVISIBLE BRACES ,speedo braces (self ligating braces ), Damon braces single visit root canal treatment,Smile designing procedures with veneers and laminates, Dental Implants, Surgical Extractions, Pediatric Procedures, Tooth bleaching, Completes Dentures and Bridges.

The clinic maintains a high level of sterilization and hygiene and the staff follows all the safety protocols. We have latest technology like lasers and 3D scanners to give a better treatment experience to our patients

With health screening, sanitization, enhanced PPE, and more we're prioritizing your safety at every step. You'll love your smile and your visit, too! Our friendly team will help you leave feeling comfortable and confident.

Our Services

We have safe labs which provide you with top-notch Dental Treatment.

Tooth Decay is the most chronic and common childhood disease. Did you know that is FIVE TIMES more COMMON THAN ASTHMA and SEVEN TIMES MORE COMMON THAN FEVER, but tooth problems are ignored till the time it doesn't start paining.

Pooran Dental Clinic
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