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How Distracted Driving Can Affect Your Auto Insurance


Many distractions can impair your judgement and endanger your own and others' safety when driving. Any activity that takes your focus away from the road is considered distracted driving. Examples are using a telephone, changing radio stations, eating or drinking, conversing, smoking or vaping, grooming, and any other action that diverts your attention away from driving. Many individuals believe that distracted driving pertains to texting while going.

Why is inattentive driving so dangerous? 

Concentrating on the road is essential for safe driving. According to the OPP, inattentive driving is the leading cause of most accidents, accounting for 8 out of 10 accidents. According to statistics, drivers who send texts while driving are 23 times more likely to have an accident, and distracted accidents injure people every 30 minutes. For the safety of passengers, other drivers, and yourself, they should not be distracted while driving. 

Careless Driving Results In:

All of the above driving activities are dangerous, but not all are illegal and not all are subject to fines or fines. Careless driving does not prohibit drinking, eating, smoking, or personal hygiene while driving. However, if police determine that your actions are affecting your driving skills, you may be penalized for dangerous or reckless driving. 

Never use your cell phone while driving to avoid fines for inattentive driving. Be especially careful when setting GPS. It is even illegal to use a phone while driving. Handsfree or mounted gadgets can be used, but the fewer distractions, the better. If you engage in distracted driving, the consequences you incur, including fines, suspensions, and demerit points, will be determined by your licence. 

Penalties For Distracted Driving 


A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and M Licences 

 First Conviction 

  • $615 is nice in case you settle outdoor of courtroom docket 
  • If you pick to visit the courtroom docket to combat the ticket, a nice of up to $1,000 in case you lose the case or a summons is acquired 
  • Three demerit factors 
  • A 3day licence suspension 

 Second Conviction: 

  •  $615 is nice in case you settle outdoor of courtroom docket 
  •  If you pick to visit the courtroom docket to combat the ticket, a nice of up to $2,000 in case you a summons is acquired otherwise you lose the case 
  •  Six demerit factors 
  • 7day licence suspension 

 Third and Further Convictions 

  •  $615 is nice in case you settle outdoor of courtroom docket 
  •  If you pick to visit the courtroom docket to combat the ticket, a nice of up to $3,000 in case you a summons is acquired otherwise you lose the case 
  •  Six demerit factors 
  •  30day licence suspension 

G1, G2, M1, or M2 licences 

Those convicted of distracted riding with a G1, G2, M1, or M2 licence will face identical fines as drives with A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and M licences. Instead of demerit factors, those drivers face longer suspensions. 

First conviction 

30day licence suspension 

Second Conviction 

90day licence suspension 

Third Conviction 

Cancellation of your licence and elimination from the Graduated Licensing System (GLS). You will need to repeat the GLS application to get the request back.

How does the inattentive driving conviction affect my insurance? 

If you are convicted of inattentive driving, this will appear in your logbook and will be taken into account when determining your car insurance premiums. Drivers who have a record of inattentive driving confidence should expect higher car insurance premiums. 


Minor and serious traffic violations have different impacts on insurance costs. The conviction of inattentive driving is considered a serious breach by the insurance company. These crimes have a far greater impact on car insurance prices than in the past. 

Distracted driving facts and statistics 

Some facts and statistics are that distracted driving if learning about the deadly dangers and costly consequences of distracted driving is reluctant. It provides more evidence that it shouldn't. Reaching for objects is 9 times more likely to cause an accident. Four million car accidents a year are caused by inattentive driving. When sending or reading an SMS, your line of sight will be off the road for 5 seconds. If you are driving at 90km / h, you are driving the length of the soccer field without knowing where you are heading. 94% of teenage drivers acknowledge text messages and the dangers of driving, but 35% acknowledge that they do so anyway. 

What does it mean to avoid distraction while driving? 

Inattentive driving is a dangerous act that can lead to a catastrophic accident. There is no way to tell if someone suddenly brakes or bends in front of you, even if it's only a few seconds. Avoid common distracting driving scenarios such as texting while driving, how to hold the phone, and cosmetics in the car. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), looking down to read a text is the same as driving a blind.

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