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India’s Prestigious School Jury Ratings-2022


India's Prestigious School Jury Ratings-2022

EducationToday conducts a survey for India’s Prestigious Jury Ratings every year. This survey conducted by EducationToday and a team of jury members emphasizes the need for schools to be recognized for their impeccable service in the education sector.

The offline and online survey is important as it provides an opportunity for schools to constantly develop and upgrade themselves for the benefit of the community as a whole.

The K-12 survey panel comprises of experts who are educators and professionals in the field of education. The survey is conducted with utmost transparency and is based on research that focuses on the present scenario in the education sector of India which calls for quality.

These schools are classified based on the quality of education imparted, the number of students being educated, the satisfaction level of the consumers and the relationship between the service provider and consumer.

The survey this year has been meticulously prepared, keeping in mind the overall experience delivered by the school with regard to the academic content, implementation of learning tools, classroom engagement initiatives implemented in the classroom, mental and emotional well-being support, etc.

There is also a set of awards to celebrate the achievements of the schools, such as eco-school of the year, STEM project of the year, community partnership award, and so on.


The panel will create two questionnaires for the schools- the first one will be addressed to the educators of the schools and the second to parents of the students.

India's Prestigious School Jury Ratings-2022

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The survey will be made accessible through online platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn. The survey forms will be sent by mail to the schools.

Information on the voting lines being open will be shared on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. Parent voting plays an essential role in the process. Once the schools upload their logo on the EducationToday portal, the parents of students can vote for the respective school, which will increase the chances of the school being listed in the September issue of the EducationToday magazine, as well as being awarded at the physical event in September, 2022.


The expert panel starts to work on the survey months in advance, which is then distributed throughout India. The filled-up forms once sent back to EducationToday are analyzed and categorized by a team of experts. EducationToday receives 2000 plus forms every year, and only a selected few make it to the final list.

To keep an accurate classification of the schools intact, the jury and the survey team at EducationToday will be classifying them based on CBSE, ICSE & International categories according to their syllabus. The award categories will be devised based on the survey and the schools will be featured in the September issue of the magazine, and will also be awarded at a physical event which will be held at Radisson Blu Plaza, New Delhi, on Sept 20th, 2022.

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