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The Complete Guide to Hormone Replacement Therapy for Men

Opt Health, Inc.
The Complete Guide to Hormone Replacement Therapy for Men

In the subject of sexology, the big T, or the hormone testosterone, is most frequently mentioned when discussing men's hormones. Men's testis is where testosterone is made. Every man's body produces less testosterone as he ages. And some guys have certain medical disorders as a result.

This article will discuss a few crucial considerations about hormone therapy for men

1- What occurs as a man's body's testosterone levels drop?

Low testosterone in a man's body can cause the following symptoms:

  • The diminished desire for sex.
  •  fewer erections (erectile dysfunction).
  • Body changes include weakened muscles, increased body fat, sensitive or enlarged breasts, hair loss, and weariness.
  • Mental changes include lack of motivation, sadness or low self-esteem, difficulty focusing and remembering, etc.

Numerous other medical disorders have comparable symptoms as well. If you recognize any signs, you need to get checked out by a sexologist immediately for men's hormone therapy.

2- What delivery methods are there for testosterone as part of HRT?

Numerous methods are used to give testosterone during hormone replacement therapy (HRT).

Testosterone hormone is intramuscularly injected once every two or three weeks.

These hormone-releasing patches are applied to the abdomen, buttocks, back, or arms. (Unlike an injection, which administers the entire dose at once.) They allow testosterone to enter the body gradually.

Testosterone gels are frequently given to the hands, stomach, or shoulders. (When using these gels, be careful not to apply them to youngsters.)

Which option is best for administering testosterone? Your doctor will make a decision based on your preferences and physical needs.  

3- Does hormone replacement therapy increase sex endurance or vitality?

There is no concrete proof that testosterone therapy will increase a man's sexual vigor or stamina in the presence of normal testosterone levels. However, men's hormone therapy has significantly improved affected males by reversing the impact of low testosterone. While receiving therapy, some guys say they feel stronger and more energized.

4- Health risks of HRT in Men

With any form of therapy, there are risks. The question is whether the advantages outweigh the hazards and if the risk is worthwhile. HRT carries some hazards, some of which may be quite minor and some serious enough to require medical attention. They Are:

  • frequent urination, acne, and breast enlargement
  • HRT may make your sleep apnea worse if you already have it.
  • higher harmful cholesterol levels
  • Testicles that are smaller and produce less sperm. Testicles attempt to naturally produce even less testosterone when there is an excess quantity in the body, which results in testicles shrinking. When typical men stop using HRT (after a few months), their testicles grow back to their usual size. 

You may expect to have regular check-ups while having the therapy session.

Bottom line  

You may want to take a note from this article.

If you are in doubt of anything regarding hormone therapy for men, consider booking a consultation with GetOpt.

Phil James is the author of this article. For more details about Hypogonadism medicine please visit our website: getopt.com

Opt Health, Inc.
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