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How to Prevent Staining Your Porcelain Veneers?

Jody Jones DDS

Porcelain veneers need maintenance! Like your natural teeth, this cosmetic dentistry requires the same care daily to stay in excellent condition. It is essential to deter it from staining. Here is an update on how to prevent staining your porcelain veneers! Have a look-

Did you know porcelain is stain-resistant? A cosmetic dentist can help you retain veneers’ bright white brilliance for many years. However, resistance does not mean proof unless you care to prevent staining. Veneers become dingy over time.


What Stains Dental Veneers?

Staining of porcelain veneers occurs through repeated exposure to-

  • Red Wine
  • Foods and Beverages with Artificial Colors
  • Blueberries, Blackberries, Beets, and Similarly Dark Colored Foods
  • Tea and Coffee
  • Cola and Sports Drinks
  • Dark Colored Sauces (Curry, Tomato, etc.)

You can reduce the risks of staining veneers by drinking beverages with a straw and saying No to chemically enhanced and processed meals. Nevertheless, proper tooth care is an efficient way to prevent staining your porcelain veneers.

Take Care of Your Dental Veneers

You can brush dental veneers the same way as your natural teeth. Opt for a non-abrasive toothpaste and soft-bristled toothbrush to prevent surface scratching of your restorations. It is not possible to whiten veneers as they are stain-resistant. Abrasive ingredients, such as baking soda, can eradicate stains from your veneers. Some abrasive ingredients instead damage and quicken their discoloration.

Make a habit of flossing once a day. Flossing before brushing removes a massive amount of particulate, debris, and bacteria. It can help prevent decay from building underneath your veneers.

You might not find mouthwash ideal for veneers. There is a possibility that alcohol-based mouthwash can deteriorate the dental bonding that secures veneers to the teeth and lead them to lose or fall out over time.

Next, many types of mouthwashes contain artificial colors that can stain your teeth.

Opting for cosmetic dentistry helps you keep your porcelain veneers bright and beautiful. Keep your dentist visit regularly to determine if one or more veneers might need to be replaced. Take care of your veneers to avoid staining.

Jody Jones DDS
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