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Top 20 Python Interview Questions & Answers

Top 20 Python Interview Questions & Answers

Python Interview Questions & Answers: -

In a competitive job market, applying for a Python expert position might be intimidating, especially if you are unprepared for the interview questions that may be posed to you. However, with enough effort and accurate guidance, the outcome can be highly satisfying. 

We've compiled the 20 best and the most important top python interview questions & answers to help you along the route and get a Python job. Let's get on with it.


Top Python Interview Questions and Answers

1. What is Python?

Comprising appropriate tools and libraries, Python is a high-level, dynamic, general-purpose language of programming that can be used to create practically any form of application. Python has features like objects, modules, threads, exception handling, and automatic management of memory that make it easier to present practical issues and create solutions for them.

2. What advantages does Python offers?

Python offers the following advantages:

  • It is a general-purpose programming language with an emphasis on readability and straightforward, simple syntax.
  • It lowers the price of maintaining the program
  • Python is open-source, supports third-party packages that promote modularity and code reuse, and has scripting capabilities. 
  • For Rapid Application Development and deployment, it offers high-level data structures mixed with dynamic typing and dynamic binding, which appeals to a diverse developer community. 
  • For Rapid Application Development and deployment, it offers high-level data structures mixed with dynamic typing and dynamic binding, which appeals to a diverse developer community.


3. How will you describe a dynamically typed language?

If a variable's type is checked at runtime, a language is said to be dynamically typed. Other dynamically-typed languages include JavaScript, Objective -C, Python, Ruby, PHP, Lisp, and Tcl. 

Variables are bound to objects at runtime in dynamically typed languages using assignment statements. When working with dynamically typed languages, there is a possibility of binding all the similar variables to objects of various kinds as the program is being executed. 

4. How will you define an Interpreted language?

An interpreted language is where statements are executed line by line. This language does not require an intermediate compilation step because programs developed in it execute directly from the source code. 

Interpreted languages include Python, Javascript, R, PHP, and Ruby as prominent examples.

5. Why is PEP 8 important? What is it?

A Python Enhancement Proposal is what PEP is officially known as. PEP is an official design document that outlines a new feature for Python or its processes and informs the Python community. The stylistic rules for Python code are described in PEP 8. You must truly and strictly adhere to these style recommendations while making contributions to the Python open-source community.

6. How does Python manage its memory?

Python's memory management is handled by the Python Memory Manager. The manager allots the RAM to Python in the form of private heap space. This heap of Python objects contains only private items. As a result, the programmer cannot access it until Python offers some basic API functions to operate with the private heap region.

7. What are namespaces in Python?

Python's namespace feature ensures that object names in programs are distinct and can be used without colliding. The term "name as a key" mapped to a corresponding "object as value" is also used to describe namespaces used as dictionaries. As a result, it is possible for different namespaces to map the same name to a separate object. 

8. How many namespaces exist in Python?

Python has three different namespace types:

  • Local Namespace
  • Global Namespace
  • Built-in Namespace


9. What is the purpose of using Python namespaces?

After a function is called, a local namespace is generated momentarily and deleted when the function returns.

For significant packages in the script, a global namespace is formed, and it exists so long as the script's execution isn't finished.

Built-in Namespace consists of integrated Python core functions including names for various exception types.

10. What in Python is Scope?

Variables in Python are simply inaccessible from the class they were declared in. How variables are declared determines where they are located in a program and how to access them. In Python, the term "scope" refers to the area of the program where variables, functions, and objects are readily available.

11. What does Python's scope resolution mean?

When using a variable to identify potential sources of value, scope resolution is crucial. In Python, scope resolution adheres to the LEGB principle.

  • L (Local): Names that have been given in any way inside a function (or lambda) but have not been declared global there. Local names are those that are specific to a function and are defined within that function. From the time of its definition until the end of the block in which it has been defined, they are accessible. The local scope continues to persist after the function has finished running. With the aid of some code, let's examine the local scope.
  • E(Enclosing Function): These are those statically encompassing functions (or lambdas), from inside to outside in the local scope. The non-local scope is another name for enclosing scope. They make reference to a variable whose names are defined in the nested function. Simply put, neither the local scope nor the global scope contains these variables. Use a non-local keyword to define a non-local variable in the enclosing scope. Let's use a piece of code to better grasp the enclosing scope.
  • G (Global) — Names assigned at a module file's top level or by running a global statement in a def inside the file. The names of variables that are defined in a program's main body are referred to as having global scope. These can be seen and reached at any time during the program. For all program functions, the variables or objects specified in the global scope are readily available. Let's use a piece of code to better grasp the global scope.
  • B(Built-in) Open, range, SyntaxError, etc. are among the names that have been preassigned in the built-in names module. Python looks for a variable or object in the built-in scope if it cannot be found in the local, global, or enclosing scopes. One of the broadest scopes that include all reserved keywords is the built-in scope. Without having to specify them, it is simple to call them from anywhere in the program before using them.

12. What do Python decorators do?

In Python, a decorator is a design pattern that enables users to add additional functionality to an existing object without changing the object's structure. Typically, you should call decorators before defining the function you want to decorate.

13. What do lists and tuples mean?

Python's list and triple data types can be used to hold collections of things. Both of these sequences can contain objects with various data types.

14. What are the differences between Tuples and List?

Tuples can be differentiated from List in the following manner:

  • While lists are represented by the symbol of square brackets, for instance - ['Ricky]Tuples are represented by the symbol of Parentheses. For Instance ('Theory')
  • The list is mutable, Tuples on the other hand are immutable objects.
  • Lists have the characteristics of being modifiable and can be appended or sliceable on the-G Tuples on the contrary are constant and do not have the flexible features of modifications. 

15. The Dict and List Comprehensions are what?

Python comprehensions are syntactic sugar structures that aid in creating, modifying, and filtering each list, dictionary, or set from a given list, dictionary, or set, just way decorators do. The user can save a lot of time and avoid writing scripts with multiple lines of code by using comprehensions.

16. Name the common built-in Python data types?

Python has numerous built-in data types. We can list some of the major ones here below:

  • None Type
  • Numeric Type
  • Sequence type
  • Mapping Type
  • Set Type
  • Modules
  • Callable types

17. Explain Lambda in Python?

Python has an anonymous function called lambda that can take a lot of inputs while only having one expression. It is primarily employed when a temporary anonymous function is required.

18. What exactly are shallow and deep copies?

A bit-wise copy of an object called a "shallow copy" has an exact replica of the values in the original object. Both the reference address and the value of any values that are references to other objects will be copied. Deep copy loops through all values from the source object to the target object. Additionally, it has the ability to duplicate any objects that the source object references. 

19. What are the tasks of Python Modules and Packages?

A set of declared and implemented functions, classes, or variables can be found in modules, which are Python files with a.py extension. When the user employs the import statements, they can be imported and initialized.

With the use of dot notation, packages enable the hierarchical structure of module namespaces. Packages work in a similar fashion to modules in preventing name conflicts between global variables and module names.

20. What benefits does Python modular programming offer?

Python's modular programming style offers the following benefits:

  • Simplicity: By focusing on only one module, you can concentrate on a very small portion of the current challenge. This speeds up growth and lowers the possibility of mistakes.
  • Maintenance: Modules are made to impose logical partitions between various issue domains. So they cannot affect one another.
  • Reusability: Other components of the application may utilize the functions described in a module.
  • Scope: To prevent misunderstanding between identifiers from different areas of the application, modules specify a distinct namespace.

The above python interview questions & answers should fulfill the requirement of your upcoming interview. You can further your research by following the concepts in detail aligning to the above-discussed Python interview questions and answers.

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