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8 Lead Nurturing Strategies to Help You Generate More Leads

Cheryl McIntyre
8 Lead Nurturing Strategies to Help You Generate More Leads

With all the different ways that customers can contact you, nurturing your leads is more important than ever. Lead nurturing is the process of staying in touch with your prospects and helping them through the buying cycle. It's also a way to increase the number of leads you get by converting more website visitors into hot leads.

Surveys indicate that as many as 85% of sales are lost from a lack of qualified leads. A better understanding of how to lead nurture your customers can mean bigger payoffs for your business.

Here are 8 lead nurturing strategies we've used on our websites to help generate more leads:

1. Send lead nurturing emails

If you have a list of leads, it's important to keep in contact with them regularly. You don't want to send out too many emails because this will only irritate your subscribers and make them unsubscribe from your list. But if you don't send any emails at all, then they may forget who you are and what your offer is about.

So how often should you send an email? The answer depends on the type of industry that you're in, but generally speaking, once or twice a month is enough for most people.

2. Add lead nurturing landing pages to your website

The goal of landing pages is to convert users into leads by offering them something specific related to your product — whether that's an ebook or whitepaper on a particular topic related to your business, for example — that will educate them about what your company does and why they should work with you instead of another provider in the industry. Adding lead nurturing lead generation forms can help improve your conversion rate and generate more leads from visitors who come to your website.

3. Publish a lead-nurturing blog post

A blog post isn't just another marketing tactic; it's an opportunity for you as a company to share valuable content with your audience. When someone reads your blog post and finds it helpful, they'll be more likely to sign up for your email list or give you their contact information. This is one way that you can turn visitors into leads — and eventually customers!

You don't have to write every article yourself; if you're strapped for time, hire a writer on Upwork or Freelancer instead. Your writer will write articles about topics relevant to your business and the audience you're trying to reach.

4. Create lead nurturing social media posts

This strategy involves creating social media posts around topics related to your business and sending them directly to prospects who have engaged with those posts. For example, if someone likes one of your Facebook posts about SEO best practices, you could send them another post about how search engine optimization works on Twitter or LinkedIn.

5. Offer an interactive webinar or live event

A webinar or live event is a great way to build your brand and engage with existing customers. You can use these events as lead nurturing opportunities by offering something of value to attendees, such as a free consultation with one of your experts or special discounts on products and services.

When people register for your webinar or live event, they're showing interest in what you have to offer, so it's important to follow up with them after the event ends. Send them emails with links to recording of the presentation and other related content that could help answer any questions they might still have about your company and products/services.

6. Share case studies and testimonials

The best way to generate more leads is by showing your customers how you helped them. This can be done through case studies and testimonials. The former is a detailed account of how you solved a client's problem or addressed an issue, while the latter features actual customer comments about the service you provided.

Both types of content are great because they build credibility and trust. They also make your prospects believe that you're the right choice for them if they have similar issues or concerns.

7. Make use of special offers and lead magnets

This is one of the most powerful ways to reshape your lead generation strategy. It’s all about offering your target audience something that they can’t get anywhere else, but only if they give you their contact information. This can be anything from a free video series, to an eBook or even a white paper. The important thing is that it has to be valuable and of high quality.

8. Implement retargeting ads

When someone visits a website or uses an app on their phone, they leave behind a digital footprint — little bits of information that identify them as unique individuals. Retargeting takes advantage of this information to show ads to people who have already visited your site or app.

Retargeting ads are especially effective because they allow you to customize your messages based on what the visitor has done before visiting your site. Instead of showing "buy my widget" ads to everyone, you can show someone who has visited your homepage but not made a purchase a different message: "Check out our cool widgets at 30% off!"


Which of the eight lead nurturing strategies you choose to employ may or may not depend on your company’s strategy, your target market, and how much time you have available. By now, though, you should be able to see how each one is useful in generating more leads and turning them into paying customers. With strategic nurturing, you can confidently achieve your business goals.

Cheryl McIntyre
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