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CFSS Consultation Services

CFSS consulting
CFSS Consultation Services

CFSS consultation services are designed to help consumers develop a plan that will help them live independently. These services also help participants identify resources and connect them to the services they need. In New York City, for example, a team of CFSS advocates helps people living in Times Square write plans that reduce the need for law enforcement involvement.


CFSS consultation services are staffed by a coordinator who understands the requirements and processes of CDS. They communicate with clients, lead agencies, and a variety of stakeholders to ensure the most effective service possible. They also keep up with regulatory and legislative changes and provide best practices that can help CFSS programs operate smoothly.


Under CFSS, spouses and parents of minors can serve as support workers for their loved ones. They can also purchase independence aids. The CFSS budget model also allows people to be the employer of their own support workers, whose training is paid for by the state. A CFSS consultation services provider also provides education and training for support workers, including assistance in writing individual plans.


The delivery model for CFSS is split into two types: the agency model and the budget model. In each of these models, a Consultation Services provider helps the participant create a Service Delivery Plan and write the plan with them. This way, participants are in control of the care they receive and can buy the goods that they want.

CFSS consulting
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