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Lil’s Beauty Hack

Body Bare
Lil’s Beauty Hack

Teeth whitening powder

Introducing a cutting-edge, all-natural teeth-whitening powder that makes your smile shine! The Bare Body Essentials Teeth Whitening Powder product is a safe way to whiten your teeth while being gentle on your gums because it is made from the highest-quality coconut sources. It naturally whitens your teeth without using any corrosive dental-grade peroxides. This special recipe employs the strength of activated charcoal, one of nature’s best purifiers and detoxifiers, to gradually clear your teeth and aid in removing stains from a variety of sources, including coffee, alcohol, cigarettes, and more — all without using harsh chemicals or bleach.

Features: -

  • Powder for Quick Teeth Whitening
  • Made with organic activated coconut shell charcoal
  • Eliminates spots and polishes teeth
  • Eliminates halitosis
  • Removes undesirable coffee and tea stains while cleaning and whitening teeth.
  • Keeps the gums healthy by strengthening them
  • Leaves a minty, fresh scent on the mouth
  • Guarantees trouble-free brushing
  • Natural substances

Teeth whitening cream

Your teeth are polished, stains are removed, and you have a minty fresh breath after using the Bare Body Essentials Teeth Whitening Cream. Natural and organic ingredients are used in its manufacture. Plaque is removed by this solution while your gums are also strengthened. The most convenient part is that all you have to do is brush it in a gentle and regular manner.


· An effective charcoal powder that whitens teeth polishes teeth and removes stains

· Eliminates gum infections with help.

· Swelling and annoyance

· Make your breath minty fresh.

· Made entirely from organic and natural ingredients

· Free of colour, GMOs, and artificial fragrances

Underarm Cream

Did you know that 90% of body odour is caused by bacteria fed by sweat trapped under your arms? Bare Body Essentials Underarm Cream works on underarm sweat, where germs grow, to stop body odour at its source and keep you smelling fresh and safe from odour all day.It contains Sweatguard technology, which reduces bacterial and sweat-related odours. An anti-perspirant that leaves you feeling dry and secure all day long and has a fresh, clean aroma. You can be sure of the greatest Protection whether you’re climbing a mountain, sprinting for the bus or train, making a presentation to your boss, or attending your first job interview.


  • Defence against underarm odour
  • 10X security.
  • Sweat guard prevents odour from sweat and bacteria for 48 hours.
  • Anti-spirant with zero alcohol
  • Ok for skin
  • Dermatologist evaluation

Under Eye Gel

Bare Body Essentials Under Eye Gel helps reduce puffiness and dark circles under the eyes. This eye cream hydrates the face and keeps it looking young from the inside out. This under-eye lotion soothes your eyes thanks to its inclusion of almond and chamomile extracts. The gel can be gently massaged into the skin on a regular basis to help reduce tension and, over time, pigmentation by enhancing


  • Eliminates puffiness and dark circles
  • Skin around the eyes is nourished and soothed.
  • Improves blood circulation in the impacted area to reduce under-eye pigmentation.
  • Enriched with natural nutrients including olive oil, almond oil, wheat germ oil, and chamomile extract
  • Fits all skin types.

Body Bare
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