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Top 5 Augmented Reality Framework

Owebest Technology

One of the potential emerging technologies used in many technologies is augmented reality, and you should have used one of them. Augmented Reality, abbreviated as AR, is primarily used in the gaming and smartphone industries. You may have heard about the Pokémon GO craze! That game was a huge success and made a lot of money. All of this is due to the Augmented Reality Framework and technology that they used to improve the user experience and life-like feel. Let's start with a definition of AR!

What is Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality is a live-world interactive experience in which computer-generated perceptual data improve and place objects in the real world, sometimes across multiple receptive modalities such as visual and audio, haptic, and somatosensory. AR can be defined as a system that combines natural and virtual worlds, allows for live interaction, and incorporates natural objects. As a result, the experience is seamlessly integrated with the natural world, which is recognized as an immersive aspect of the environment. AR modifies one's ongoing perception of a real-world setting in this way, whereas VR replaces the user's real-world location with a simulated one. As a result, AR sounds similar to mixed reality.

We will not go into detail about Augmented Reality this time; instead, we will learn about Augmented Reality Frameworks and Augmented Reality App Development.

Know about Augmented Reality Framework

For Augmented Reality App Development, there are over 20 frameworks available. Choosing the right one can be time-consuming because the right framework for your project can ease the development process and make it less time-consuming. This article will assist you in determining the best AR Framework for AR App Development. I'll be comparing some popular options for various works and development; you can read them all and choose the best one for your project.


You read that correctly, one of the top and most popular game development engines is Unity3D. Unity3D can efficiently build AR games and apps of any scale; whether you are a small business or a large development company, Unity3D has all of the components you need to develop an augmented reality app.

Although Unity3D is best known for game development and immersive CGIs, we can also integrate incredible and immersive CGIs into apps. It will require less coding but an expert in Unity3D design.

Unity3D has a large Asset Store and a script marketplace, making development easier and even assisting in the development of any fictional app. Furthermore, most AR frameworks include Unity3D tools and extensions.

Unreal Engine

Another top game development engine that has aided many large and immersive games is the Unreal Engine. Epic Games owns and maintains Unreal Engine, and they are constantly adding new technology to their framework. Many popular movie CGIs are powered by Unreal Engine.

Unreal Engine provides almost everything needed to create any game or graphics. Unlike Unity3D, Unreal Engine has extensive libraries and asset stores to make your work more efficient and simple.

Unreal Engine contains everything needed to create immersive AR elements and visuals. With Unreal Engine, you can create any complex and immersive AR app or game.


ARKit is Apple's augmented reality platform for iOS devices. Developers can create interactive apps that efficiently interact with the real world around the user by utilising real-time data collected from devices' sensors and cameras. Apple has been convinced of the potential of augmented reality for four years and released ARKit alongside iOS11 in 2017. Another significant update came with iOS12, and Apple keeps it up to date with each new iOS release.


The first steps for AR technology using only a smartphone running Android began seven years ago with Google's project Tango. Tango requires a specific Google-made device to run, which limited the project to only a few developers. Google created ARCore as a result of the project. The significant advantage of ARCore is that it can be performed without the use of additional hardware, making it scalable across Android OS. ARCore is widely supported by Android and iOS devices, and it will be built into future Android devices.


Vuforia is a new name that is gaining traction as a potential Augmented Reality SDK and Framework. It employs the device's screen as a lens to intertwine real-world and virtual components. It can effectively combine virtual and real-world elements to appear realistic. Vuforia can recognize both flat and three-dimensional objects in real time.

Vuforia is one of the best frameworks for AR app development because it allows you to add and create backgrounds, buttons, and effects, as well as manage results and conclusions.

Owebest Technology
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