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Corporate Tax Planning and Control


These tax preparation suggestions can help you regain control over your money. Even if you own a tiny business, it’s never too early to start thinking about taxes and other financial obligations. Employees, on the other hand, have few alternatives other than charitable contributions to keep their tax burden under control. Tax planning is all about flexibility and control, and a small company owner has far more of both than an employee.

As the owner of a small business, you have an additional ‘person’ for taxation purposes: the corporation or limited liability company. That organization offers a variety of advantages that you may take advantage of, and the sooner you begin preparing, the greater the number of options you will have for reducing the amount of tax you will owe in the future.

Corporate Tax Planning and Control

However, there is still time to make some tax-wise decisions before the year comes to a conclusion. Listed below are a few tax planning choices to consider for the current and future tax years:

If your company is profitable as it approaches the end of its fiscal year (for the purposes of this article, we’ll assume a December year-end; however, the concepts apply to any year-end), you’ll want to incorporate as many expenses and deductions as possible into the current year while deferring as much income as possible to the following year, in accordance with your jurisdiction’s tax laws.

Consider giving yourself a bonus or increasing your pay and deducting the difference from your paycheck. The same is true for family members who worked for the company. If you make your charitable contributions by December 31st, your company will make a gift on your behalf in 2021. You are not required to withhold any taxes from your paycheck. Subtract, subtract, and then subtract again.

If you know you’ll be purchasing equipment or other assets in the near future, you should make the purchase before the end of the year. In accordance with tax depreciation guidelines, you are permitted to deduct six months’ worth of depreciation on an item regardless of when you got it throughout the year.

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