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Period Education for Right Knowledge of Periods and Menstrual Hygiene Products

Harleen Kaur

Menstruation is a natural and essential biological process that women and girls experience during their reproductive years. While some may be excited to enter into this new phase of life that leads to womanhood, most others find this time excruciating, especially owing to the lack of a period guide that can provide them with the right guidance and education. This can lead to confusion, feeling of uncertainty, lack of confidence, embarrassment and most unfortunately, lack of hygiene that can be detrimental to their health.

Despite its undeniable significance, menstruation has remained a topic of taboo and stigma in many societies. Lack of proper understanding and limited access to menstrual hygiene products have notoriously hindered the well-being and empowerment of menstruators.

Hence, in this comprehensive period guide, we will delve into the importance of menstrual education, the significance of menstruation, and the role of menstrual hygiene products like sanitary pads in promoting menstrual hygiene and your overall well-being.

Period Knowledge: Breaking Taboos and Dispelling Myths


Menstrual education is vital to overcome the myths and misconceptions surrounding the natural phenomena of menstruation. These myths are criminally responsible for creating an unfair feeling of being unclean or lesser in any way than the males of society. This widens the gender gap and restrains women from finding their voice or realising their true worth. By providing accurate and comprehensive information about periods and the menstrual cycle, we can dispel the stigma associated with periods and empower menstruating women to make informed choices about their health and create a place for themselves in the social setup.

During period time, many women experience physical and emotional changes due to hormonal fluctuations which can disrupt their day-to-day activities as well. Understanding these changes helps women better manage their well-being and daily activities. It also makes the masses aware of the issue which can greatly help to find solutions for periods-related problems and create a better, humanitarian and caring society as a whole. Period education thus, should cover topics such as menstrual cycle, menstrual hygiene, common menstrual disorders, available menstrual hygiene products and social issues related to menstruation as well.


Period Time: Nurturing Physical and Emotional Health


Periods can prove to be a challenging phase for many women. While some experience mild discomfort, others may face severe pain and emotional distress. Many even have to take a leave of absence from their jobs because they are unable to handle the severe pain, called dysmenorrhea that usually accompanies menstruation. Mood swings, lower abdominal pain, thigh or back pain, bloating, headaches and sometimes nausea are all quite commonly seen in women who may be currently on their period time. It is thus crucial to acknowledge the diverse experiences and provide mental, emotional and physical support during this time.

By enhancing their period knowledge, women can recognize the symptoms of their menstrual cycle and take appropriate measures to alleviate discomfort. It is important to listen to one's body, practice self-care, and seek medical advice if needed. Understanding the menstrual cycle empowers women to plan their activities and make necessary adjustments to accommodate their changing needs during this time.


Period Education: Empowering Women and Girls


Often when a girl begins menstruating, it is either an exciting time for them or something very fearful or loathsome. The latter situation is rather unfortunate and concerning, given the fact that periods are a natural process which every healthy woman experiences in her reproductive years. To make it welcoming, period education for young minds is thus very important.

Access to accurate knowledge and education regarding periods is a fundamental right that should be ensured for every woman and girl. This can help them understand their bodies better and take care of them without giving into half-baked knowledge and misconceptions that can harm them. In fact, this education should be mandatory for everyone, including men and boys of appropriate age to help them understand this natural biological phenomenon and become more sensitive and supportive towards the menstruators.

An extensive period guide should be integrated into school curricula, providing comprehensive information about menstrual hygiene and menstrual health. When girls are equipped with the right menstrual knowledge from an early age, they can navigate through puberty and menstruation with confidence and dignity. Additionally, workshops and community-based programs can play a crucial role in spreading period education and empowering women of all ages.

Only through concrete attempts like these can we foster a society where menstruation is celebrated rather than stigmatized.

Menstrual Hygiene Products: The Role of Sanitary Pads


Menstrual hygiene products, such as sanitary napkins, tampons or menstrual cups, play a vital role in ensuring menstrual health and hygiene. Among these, sanitary pads    are the commonest and the most popular period products which provide a convenient and hygienic solution for managing menstrual flow.

These pads are designed to absorb menstrual blood, preventing leakage and offering comfort. They are available in various sizes, thicknesses, and absorbency levels, catering to the diverse needs of menstruators. Modern sanitary pads are often made from soft, hypoallergenic materials, ensuring comfort and reducing the risk of skin irritation.

Access to affordable and quality pads is crucial for menstrual hygiene management and promoting health among menstruating women. Governments and organizations should work towards making menstrual hygiene products accessible to all, particularly in marginalized communities. Additionally, promoting sustainable options like reusable cloth pads or menstrual cups can offer long-term cost savings and minimize environmental impact.



Menstrual education and access to period hygiene products are essential for promoting menstrual health and empowering women and girls. By breaking the taboos surrounding menstruation and disseminating accurate knowledge regarding the subject, we can create a society where periods are commemorated and managed with dignity. Periods should be seen as an opportunity for self-care and understanding rather than a hindrance. By providing an exhaustive period guide, integrating it into school curricula, and organizing community-based programs, we can help women and girls embrace their menstrual cycles and make informed choices for their good reproductive and overall health during this time.

Harleen Kaur
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