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Double Marker Test in Delhi NCR

House of Diagnostics
Double Marker Test in Delhi NCR

The double marker test or the dual marker test is a maternal serum screening test. It is part of a more comprehensive screening called the first-trimester screening and falls into the category of a predictive test, meaning the results indicate the likelihood of chromosomal abnormalities. If the test results suggest an increased risk of chromosomal abnormalities, the mother may be offered further tests such as amniocentesis, to confirm the results.

Why is this test prescribed?

The Double Marker test helps identify chromosomal abnormalities present in the growing fetus. In a typical pregnancy, a male fetus has 22 pairs of XY chromosomes, while a female fetus has 22 pairs of XX chromosomes. But in some cases, an extra chromosome may be present, which can cause a genetic condition called trisomy. Such fetuses with three copies of that chromosome instead of two, may experience developmental and intellectual delays. These abnormalities may result in Down syndrome, Edwards's syndrome, and Patau’s syndrome. The test is especially given to pregnant women above 35 years of age and those who have a family history of congenital disabilities and insulin–dependent type 1 diabetes.

When this test is performed during pregnancy?

The double marker test is done between the 8th and 14th weeks of pregnancy as part of a full-fledged screening panel. The blood sample is typically collected between the 11th and 13th week for risk evaluation.

How is this test performed?

The test involves the following steps:

A syringe is used to draw a blood sample from the pregnant mother's arteries. The healthcare provider then applies an elastic band to the arm to enlarge the blood vessels. Once the arteries are visible, the needle is gently inserted into the blood vessel with a minor pinprick. The collected sample is then sent to the laboratory for further testing. The entire procedure carries minimal risk.

What are the uses of this test?

This test is used for several important purposes:

Detection of Down Syndrome: This test is primarily employed for the early detection of Down syndrome.

Mental disorder risk assessment: It helps in evaluating the potential risk of mental disorders in the fetus.

Identification of Trisomy 18: The Double Marker Test also plays a crucial role in identifying Trisomy 18, a condition associated with mental retardation and severe birth defects.

Detection of Trisomy 21.T: This test also helps in identifying Trisomy 21.T, which can lead to mental disorders, heart issues, and other health conditions affecting vital organs.

What are some benefits of this test:

Non-invasive: It is a non-invasive blood test and makes it a safer option as against some other tests.

Risk assessment: The test is considered as a risk assessment for chromosomal abnormalities and other genetic conditions, allowing the mother and her healthcare provider to make informed decisions about further diagnostic tests and prenatal care.

Peace of mind: For some women, the test may offer peace of mind and help them prepare for the birth of their baby.

Cost-effective: It is a cost-effective test, making it accessible to a larger number of women.

House of Diagnostics
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