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Top Tips for Preventing Blocked Drains in Your Home

Michael Richards
Top Tips for Preventing Blocked Drains in Your Home

Common causes of blocked drains

Blocked drains can be a major inconvenience in any home. Not only do they disrupt your daily routine, but they can also lead to costly repairs if left unattended. It's important to understand the common causes of blocked drains plumbers in Perth so you can take the necessary steps to prevent them. Here are some of the most common culprits:

1. Hair buildup

One of the main causes of blocked drains is hair buildup. When you wash your hair in the shower or brush it over the sink, loose strands can easily go down the drain and accumulate over time. This can lead to a blockage that prevents water from flowing freely.

2. Food waste

Another common cause of blocked drains is food waste. Many people mistakenly put leftover food down the drain, thinking that it will easily wash away. However, food particles can get stuck in the pipes and cause a blockage. It's important to dispose of food waste properly in the trash or compost.

3. Grease and fat

Grease and fat are notorious for causing blocked drains. When you pour hot grease or fat down the drain, it may flow freely at first, but as it cools down, it solidifies and sticks to the pipes. Over time, this can lead to a buildup that restricts water flow.

4. Foreign objects

Sometimes, blocked drains are caused by foreign objects that accidentally go down the drain. This can include items like baby wipes, cotton balls, dental floss, or small toys. These objects can get stuck in the pipes and create a blockage that is difficult to remove.

5. Tree root intrusion

In some cases, blocked drains are the result of tree root intrusion. Tree roots are attracted to sources of water, and if there is a crack or gap in your pipes, they can grow into them and cause a blockage. This is more common in older homes with clay or cast iron pipes.

How to prevent blocked drains

Preventing blocked drains is much easier and more cost-effective than dealing with a blockage once it occurs. Here are some top tips for preventing blocked drains:

1. Use drain guards

One of the simplest ways to prevent blocked drains is to use drain guards. These are small mesh screens that can be placed over your drains to catch hair, food particles, and other solid debris. Empty the drain guards regularly to keep them effective.

2. Dispose of grease properly

Instead of pouring hot grease or fat down the drain, let it cool and solidify, then scrape it into a container and throw it in the trash. You can also reuse grease for cooking or recycle it if possible. By doing so, you can prevent grease-related blockages.

3. Be mindful of what goes down the drain

Be mindful of what you put down the drain. Avoid putting food waste, coffee grounds, eggshells, or fibrous materials like celery or corn husks down the sink. Also, make sure to dispose of foreign objects in the trash instead of flushing them down the toilet or sink.

4. Regularly clean your drains

Regular drain cleaning can help prevent blockages. You can use a mixture of baking soda and vinegar to clean your drains. Simply pour half a cup of baking soda down the drain, followed by half a cup of vinegar. Let it fizz for a few minutes, then flush with hot water.

5. Avoid planting trees near drain lines

If you have trees in your yard, avoid planting them near drain lines. As the trees grow, their roots can spread and potentially invade your pipes, causing blockages. Consult with a professional if you suspect tree root intrusion in your drains.

Home drain maintenance

In addition to following the prevention tips mentioned above, it's important to maintain your home drains regularly. Here are some key maintenance practices to keep your drains in good condition:

1. Use a plunger

If you notice that your sink or toilet is draining slowly, use a plunger to dislodge any blockages. Place the plunger over the drain and give it several vigorous pumps to create suction. This can help remove minor blockages and restore proper drainage.

2. Boiling water flush

Once a month, pour boiling water down your drains to help dissolve any buildup of grease, soap scum, or other substances. This can help keep your drains clean and prevent blockages.

3. Enzyme cleaners

Enzyme drain cleaners can be used periodically to break down organic matter and prevent blockages. These cleaners are eco-friendly and safe to use on a regular basis. Follow the instructions on the product for the best results.

4. Professional drain cleaning

If you're experiencing frequent blockages or notice a persistent slow drain, it may be time to call a professional plumber for drain cleaning. They have specialized tools and equipment to thoroughly clean your drains and remove any stubborn blockages.

5. Regular inspections

Lastly, it's important to have regular inspections of your home's plumbing system. A professional plumber can identify any potential issues or signs of blockages before they become major problems. They can also provide advice on proper drain maintenance.

By following these top tips for preventing blocked drains plumber in Perth and maintaining your home drains, you can save yourself from the hassle and expense of dealing with blockages. Remember, prevention is key when it comes to keeping your drains flowing smoothly!

Michael Richards
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