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Artisante - Hot Chocolate Recipes

Artisante - Hot Chocolate Recipes

Monsoon “Malabar spiced” Mocha latte

The spiced hot chocolate is a rich blend of cocoa, cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves. Delicious spices that perfectly cut the chilly monsoon air. They pair magnificently with a strong intense coffee to create a warming cosy monsoon latte.


Peanut Butter Hot Chocolate

This decadent Peanut Butter Hot Chocolate Recipe is, creamy, chocolatey and oozing with peanut butter!


Zesty Mexican Hot Chocolate

Our version of a classic Mexican hot chocolate, a spicy, chocolaty magical drink with fresh bursts of citrus that will help you stay warm and cosy this monsoon. The Artisanté cinnamon chilli hot chocolate makes it simple to recreate the famous Mexican recipe.


Maple Vegan Hot Chocolate

A vegan twist on a classic favourite. You can use oat or almond milk to create this cosy dairy free recipe.


Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate

Our Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate recipe is a heavenly delight! Rich, creamy, with a deep caramelized flavour and a hint of sea salt.


Baileys Hot Chocolate

This Baileys hot chocolate is a perfect cozy drink for a night in. A steaming cup of boozy chocolatey decadence. Made with Artisanté Vanilla Hot Chocolate.


Mint Chocolate Chip Hot Chocolate

A sumptuous creamy mug of hot chocolate laced with soothing and refreshing mint. What happiness tastes like.


Spiced Rum Hot Chocolate

Warm Malabar spices infused in a rich hot chocolate spiked with a little bit of dark rum. Velvety smooth and layered with nutmeg cinnamon and cloves. The delicious flavours are enhanced by the spices in the rum to create a drink of magic.


To know more: https://artisante.in/blogs/hot-chocolate-recipes

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