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Erectile Dysfunction Treatment in Delhi

DR.Vinod Raina
Erectile Dysfunction Treatment in Delhi

What is Erectile Dysfunction ?

The inability to obtain or sustain an erection strong enough for sexual activity is known as erectile dysfunction (ED). Though it is increasingly frequent as men age, it is a common ailment that can afflict men of all ages. There are many different variables that might contribute to ED, including as psychological issues like stress, anxiety, or depression, lifestyle choices like smoking or excessive alcohol intake, and physical factors like underlying health disorders like diabetes, heart disease, obesity, etc.


Difficulty achieving an erection: Inability to get an erection, or achieving one that isn't firm enough for sexual intercourse.

Difficulty maintaining an erection: Trouble keeping an erection during sexual activity.

Reduced sexual desire: A decrease in the interest or desire for sexual activity.

Delayed or premature ejaculation: Difficulties in controlling ejaculation, either taking longer than desired or happening too quickly.

Emotional symptoms: Anxiety, stress, or frustration related to sexual performance or intimacy.

Other physical symptoms: Sometimes, ED can be linked to other physical issues such as reduced libido, low testosterone levels, or other health conditions like diabetes, heart disease, or obesity.

The following are some micronutrients that are useful in the treatment of erectile dysfunction and other conditions:

Antioxidants -

Normal penile erection necessitates the endothelium's integrity. Endothelial cells create nitric oxide, which is important in the physiological mechanism of erection. Changes in NO concentration due to endothelium injury or rapid destruction appear to be the most important causes of ED, especially in the presence of vascular disease.

Fructooligosaccharides -

Fructooligosaccharides (FOS) are a type of carbohydrate, specifically a subgroup of oligosaccharides, which are naturally occurring compounds found in certain plants such as fruits, vegetables, and grains. FOS consist of short chains of fructose molecules linked together. They are considered a type of prebiotic, which means they serve as food for beneficial bacteria in the gut, such as bifidobacteria and lactobacilli.


Monounsaturated fatty acids are considered healthy fats (MUFAs). Unsaturated fats, such as MUFAs, can be used to substitute saturated and Trans fats, which may have a variety of health benefits.

MUFAsa reduce the risk of heart disease by lowering total and low density lipoprotein cholesterol levels while maintaining high density lipoprotein cholesterol levels. MUFAsa may also improve the function of your blood vessels.


Proteins are large, complicated molecules that play several roles in the human body. They are responsible for the structure, function, and control of the body's tissues and organs and work in cells. Proteins help to maintain and correct any hormonal imbalances that develop in the body as a result of sexual dysfunction. Enzyme activity is also maintained by the presence of proteins in the body. High-quality proteins are essential for the construction, development, and regulation of structures in the body's cells and tissues. To Know more click on the link.

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DR.Vinod Raina
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