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Learn Principles Ethical Hacking Foundation

Learn Principles Ethical Hacking Foundation

Certified Ethical Hacker certification is aimed towards demonstrating knowledge of assessing the security of computer systems by looking for weaknesses and vulnerabilities in target systems while using the same knowledge and tools as a malicious hacker yet in a lawful and legitimate manner to assess the security posture of a target system. 

Ethical hacking, also known as penetration testing or white-hat hacking, involves legally and ethically breaking into computer systems or networks with permission, in order to identify security vulnerabilities and weaknesses.


Planning and Reconnaissance


Gaining Access

Maintaining Access

Reporting and Remediation

Certified Ethical Hacking Foundation certification clears your fundamentals of ethical hacking so that you can arrange frameworks with the assent of its creator to discover security vulnerabilities. As a Certified Ethical Hacking Foundation certification holder, you will be able to evaluate the security instances of an association by recognizing vulnerabilities in the system and its framework to make valuable decisions.


Certified Ethical Hacking Foundation's objective

  1. Advanced step-by-step methodologies used by hackers
  2. Writing virus codes
  3. Reverse engineering, so you can better protect corporate infrastructure from data breaches
  4. Advanced network packet analysis
  5. Securing web servers
  6. Malware threats

For more information visit :- https://www.gsdcouncil.org/certified-ethical-hacking-foundation 

For more inquiry call:-    41444851189 

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