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Explore the beauty of Aquarium and Crystal Caves Bermuda

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Explore the beauty of Aquarium and Crystal Caves Bermuda

Bermuda is home to hundreds of caves among them crystal caves are very famous and if you are planning a trip, you should must visit aquarium and crystal caves Bermuda as it is worth the experience. Crystal caves are Formed over millions of years, this glittering subterranean realm amazes all who venture into its mineral halls and pools.

About Crystal Cave

Crystal Caves Bermuda is a collection of two caves – Crystal Cave and Fantasy Cave. In 1907, Crystal Cave was discovered by two teenagers named Carl Gibbons and Edgar Hollis on the property of the Wilkinson family. This unique story is told to guests as they visit the cave.

The two caves can be toured individually or as a package. When purchasing tickets, you’ll notice that it isn’t much more money to visit both. So, if you have the time, it’s worth visiting both. They are different enough that it won’t feel repetitive.

The Glittering Caverns

The crystal caves encompass three main caverns spanning over 6,000 square feet. Their names - Lake Cave, Crystal Cave, and Cat Cave - reflect the different mineral formations found within each. A knowledgeable local guide leads travelers through the caverns explaining all about their origins and special features.

The caves' crystalline structures like stalactites, stalagmites, and cave flowers come from minerals slowly precipitating over eons. These include calcite, aragonite, dolomite, and even some quartz crystals. The variety and abundance give the caves their luminous, kaleidoscopic appearance.

In Lake Cave, still pools reflect rock features that resemble an underwater city. This cavern also hosts the most famous formation - a massive stalactite pillar that appears to change from solid to transparent.

The aptly named Crystal Cave dazzles with a profusion of delicate white formations. Tiny "cave pearls" also dot Lake Cave's submerged surfaces. Even common minerals transform into radiant curiosities within the caves' darkness.

Finally, Cat Cave's intricate aragonite formations evoke whiskers and ears, giving rise to its feline moniker.

Throughout the tour, guides detail more on the caves' origins and specific mineral processes while visitors capture photos. It's a breathtaking world few get to witness.

Location of Crystal Caves Bermuda

Crystal Caves is located in Hamilton Parish in Bermuda. You can visit through bus routes, but most of the travelers found cab to be easier. Also, there’s a cab stand outside the entrance. So, it shouldn’t be too difficult to get a cab back to your hotel.

Beyond the Caves

Multi-stop tours may add time at the Bermuda Perfumery to discover unique scents inspired by the island. Or guests can visit the neighboring. Bermuda aquarium and crystal caves, Museum & Zoo to view native reef fish, turtles, and even a giant ocean tank. These combo adventure tours provide a nice balance of natural beauty above and below ground.

Glowing in otherworldly hues beneath the Atlantic, Bermuda's crystal caves captivate all who venture into their mineral depths. Their strange beauty remains protected for future generations thanks to responsible stewardship. Any visit to the island would be incomplete without seeing these unique caverns firsthand.

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