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A Comprehensive Idea about Kazan State Medical University, Russia

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Do you wish to make a difference in the lives of others via medical treatment? Do you wish to be a professional doctor? Is it your goal to save many lives? Then attending this university would be a good decision for you. Kazan State Medical institution, a public institution, has long provided medical services. This is one of Russia's leading medical universities. It has just emerged as a viable choice for MBBS candidates. Every year, numerous students travel from all around the world to study here.

With 200 years of expertise in medical education, KSMU is a respectable international university. Approximately 2000 students from more than 48 nations study here, with half studying in English. Furthermore, we have a huge number of students from neighbouring and rural areas of Russia. We are happy that Kazan medical school attracts young individuals from all around the world. That is why our first objective is to help and care for overseas students.


This university offers high-quality medical education to its pupils. This university's clinical and medical programmes are well-known worldwide. More than 5500 students study at this university. This university's skilled faculty are always working to improve the applicants' professional expertise.


If you are interested to study MBBS in Russia, Kazan State Medical University, Russia may be your right choice. 


Key aspects of Kazan State Medical University


·        Every medical student dreams of receiving intensive medical training while doing MBBS in Russia. Kazan State Medical University, Russia offers an outstanding medical infrastructure to guide its medical students.

·        The faculty lectures in English and has a modest fee structure.

·        This university has been recognised by NMC.

·        They have a large university campus in the metropolitan area.

·        The university is always under police protection.

·        As a result, Indian students would have no concerns about their safety.

·        They provide the possibility to learn Russian for better communication.

·        This medical university established a clinical training programme to help applicants improve their clinical abilities.

·        Furthermore, they provide post-doctoral facilities to students.

·        They provide you with accommodation facilities for international students

·        The library of this university is well-stocked with 1000 volumes, journals, and 2000 books by notable scientists.

·        Furthermore, students can review approximately 3000 research articles for performing effective medical research.

·        The laboratory is well-equipped with all necessary chemicals.

·        The cultural variety is the main appeal of this university.

·        Many international agreements have been struck by this university.

·        Kazan State Medical University organises several exchange programmes for the benefit of its students.


For studying MBBS in Russia, apply for a seat at Kazan State Medical University and experience a challenging yet successful academic career.


About Ria Overseas: 

Ria Overseas simply leads ambitious medical students through Russia's MBBS admissions process, giving professional guidance, support, and tailored assistance to ensure success. Ria Overseas provides expert assistance to Indian students interested in studying overseas. We assist with entrance application, documentation, and comprehensive admission support under one roof, from selecting the appropriate course to selecting the top-ranked school or college for admittance.

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