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The jammers are very useful

Jammers Shopli
The jammers are very useful

Imagine that you are in the métro, in the train, at a restaurant, in n’any of these public places o&where; nothing n’is more désagréable d’&stop;tre dérangé by an unconscious, which tells the story of her sad private life, gives orders or éclate of laughter without m&stop,me we share the cause.

Imagine, therefore, that in such a time, the conversation is jammer interrupted. The type, the girl looks at his mobile became mute, wondering what is going on, in n’including nothing. Swearing après this crap that doesn't work.

And you imagine that the one responsible for this interruption, c’is you&welcome to join; (or your neighbour).

The principle is simple: the jammer sends a signal powerful enough to emp&stop, expensive the mobile adjacent to communicate with the antennas that connect the calls. The small cover just a few mètres (they délaughing à $ 50), some companies have achètent of the fixed 1.000 to 4.000 dollars or more) that provide the peaceé in a room, a room, a building.

Among the users there is a psychiatrist who has bothered to be interrupted in the middle d’a séance de thétherapy, a patron of a restaurant who can not stand to see the calls distract his employés without a arr&stop, t, and of teachers who ensure that their education will not perturbé l’extérieur.

The victims collatérales (those who n’had done nothing wrong) can &stop;tre très many.

So that’is that jammer phone 4g is the most unbearable, the person who does not know to contain ourselves in public and bothering you with their bullshit or the one who gives the right réto establish the’order alone, without a lot more considération to the right of the other?

To explain this énigme, Todd Humphreys points to a bo&cool;tier d’aspect banal, posé in a corner of the’workshop : &";C’is a spoofer (&"usurper";), a GPS simulator. It receives signals genuine from the GPS satellites, then the rééputs it on the m&stop, me length d’wave après have légèslightly modifiedé coordinatedées. The systèmy GPS in the neighbourhood will capture priorité the false signal from the spoofer, because it is more powerful than d’a satellite situé à 20 000 kilomètres of the Earth. If j’in the set up, one on the roof of this building with a good antenna, I could distort all the gps jammer cheap of the district, and m&stop, me with those aircraft passing over the city.&";

According to Todd Humphreys, a spoofer utilisé à malicious purposes by hackers, gangsters or terrorists could cause disaster in the cha cool;not because the systèmy GPS play désormais r&being limited to the essential in many sectors of the d’activités : the land transport, aénothings and maritime, management of containers, the guidance of agricultural machinery, communications éelectronic and m&stop, me banks, that use satellite signals such as d’a world clock to the date of the transactions financières at the centième de second.

Déjà, the counter-attack s’organizes. In Britain, a consortium of laboratories in the public and privés has developed a device capable of dédetect the présence jammers, and GPS. In tests performedés along england's roads, the researchers were surprised to décover that’they are déjà enough répandus – several détections per week on a single intersection, taken at random.

Austin, Todd Humphreys completes the development of’a device even more perfectionné, that will locate précisément jammers GPS and will à the police enter. But, in addition, he noted that the new édirectors type radio USRP (universal software radio peripheral), très takenés by the researchers and amateurs, because they cover all the ranges d’waves, can broadcast a signal on the fréquences GPS, which causes a blurring très effective. The war of the jammers is only just beginning.



Jammers Shopli
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