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Dental sealants are a safe alternative for your child?

axmalase Lenewrs

We often see children show cracks, fissures and grooves on the surfaces, biting of their teeth from the back (molars). These dépressures on the chewing surfaces of the molars act as a perfect soil for the growth of bactéries harmful. This is because the particles of food are easily piégées in these crevices, that can't &stop;tre enlevées with a brushing réregular. Finally, the débris of food alés to harden to form the plate, déclenchant the appearance of dental caries and cavités. An easy way to protéger the teeth against decay would be to apply dental sealants on these areas is damagedées of the molars.

Sésecurityé dental sealants
dental sealant that can last from 5 to 10 years is essentially a matière plastic à base de résine, which contains composés Bis-GMA and Bis-DMA dérivés of the BPA. Although the placement of sealants to précome to the dental caries has re&case;u the approval of the fraternité dental, éstudies show that children with dental sealants come in contact with tiny quantitiesés of bisphénol A-a chemical préfeels in plastic bottles. Also known as BPA, the chemical is known to mimic the connection;strogène, the hormone that is produced naturally in the body. Thus, its capacité à reproduce the activité oestrogénique can disrupt the système endocrine, which can cause a wide érange of problèmy santé.

BPA and saliva
A report publié rérecently in Pediatrics, the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics, the importance ofé dérivés of the BPA exposés à la salive délatch a réaction chemical entered the cool nant production of BPA. In addition, a concentration perceptible BPA is présents in the saliva up to 3 hours après the application of dental sealants (Engine of endodontics).
L'étude éalso révélé Bis-GMA préfeels in the matériau dental restoration has a lesser chance to convert it to EPS, compared to other composés of BPA, such as Bis-DMA. Also, in order to minimize BPA exposure, it is necessary to wash the surface of the tooth just après the application of the dental product.
L'étude concludes that the placement of products d'étanchéité dental à base de résine conduit à an exhibition brève to the BPA, but you can't deny the r&taxes;the of this matériau dental in the préprevention of caries. Thus, the use of these dental products should not &our vision to be interrupted; However, measures of prébail for réreduce the exposure to BPA should &our vision to be followed in the application of the sealant. In addition, the manufacturers of dental products should mention détails complete différents dérivés BPA-prépresent in person in the matériau.
Well that l'étude suggestedère that dental sealants are probably safe, it does not take into account the impact à long-term exposure to BPA which can occur in children. There are many evidence from d'études about the animals établissent a link between BPA exposure and reproductive disorders, problèmy cardiovascular and m&stop, me the cancer.
While dentists from the American Dental Association (ADA) and Washington Dentistry pédiatrique prétend éalso that the quantityés tiny of BPA are not a source of préoccupation, some experts in the santé do not agree and are of the opinion that exposure to BPA quantitiesés-is a danger to the santé. The experts worry aboutètent of the sécrétion of BPA après investment may come in contact with the gums, which can é/ &our vision to be introduced into the bloodstream. Thus, despiteé the use of Bis-GMA in the sealants, BPA exposure in children may not &stop;tre évitée.
In addition, a number of products d'étanchéité formulés sécréter of fluoride during a hardée relatively long. Thus, the application of products d'étanchéité can expose your child to excessive levels of fluoride. In addition, a procédé appelé polymécharacterization is utilisé for the strength of the mastics. However, the études menées by Mark Latta, a professor of dentistry, générale, have constaté as sealants do not harden complètement, and can stay légèparticularly active chemically, après to put in place. This can cause damage to the healthy tissue of the tooth, including the gums (Lamps diagnostic médical).

axmalase Lenewrs
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