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Ashley Dave
Naba Dental is one of the top affordable dental clinic in Houston. We offer affordable dental and cosmetic dentistry at affordable price.
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Ashley Dave 2021-08-04

But, the bottom line is that dental crowns help your smile.

Whether you’ve had a bad cavity or a fractured tooth, dental crowns restore the look and function of a tooth.The Fresh Look of a New Dental CrownOur teeth are very durable, but that doesn’t mean they’re indestructible.

Accidents fracture and even chip teeth.But this damaged tooth doesn’t need to be a permanent look.

Don’t suffer from the pain of a damaged tooth; let the best houston dentist renew your smile.There are three main steps to receiving a dental crown:Preparing the toothConstructing the crownInstalling the crownGetting Your New Dental CrownOn your first visit to the dentist, the doctor prepares your tooth.

When a tooth is extremely decayed, it may require more than a filling to treat.

Dr. Rubab Mirza in Houston offer crowns that protect your teeth and improve your smile.Once the tooth is ready, the dentist creates a cast of your teeth.

Ashley Dave 2021-05-07

Dental bridges in Houston remain one of the best ways to replace a lost tooth.

What’s much less common is losing a permanent adult tooth or prematurely losing a baby tooth due to decay, infection, or an accident.There are several factors that contribute to tooth loss.DecayDecay is the most common reason for losing a tooth.

Poor oral hygiene and a lack of vigilant care can cause bacteria to take over a tooth and decay it to a point where it becomes unusable.The pulp and dentin inside the tooth may become plagued by bacteria, causing pain and infections.

If known beforehand, the adjacent teeth can be prepared for a bridge the same day as the extraction.AccidentA severe blow to the head, especially near the mouth, can knock a tooth right out.

If this happens, it is possible to reattach the lost tooth if it is found, kept clean, and preserved in milk until brought to an emergency dental care clinic.

The mouth is a good indicator of health elsewhere in your body.

Ashley Dave 2021-03-24

Dental bonding is a restorative measure that fixes a tooth which has been fractured or chipped as a result of decay or an accident.There are a couple types of bonding that can be used, composite resin and veneer bonding.Composite Resin or Veneer?Which method is the best for you?

That depends on a few factors.

Cost, strength, and maintenance all affect how well your dental bonding will perform and how long it will last.Composite resins are a low cost method for bonding teeth, and the ability to color match them to teeth make them a favorable option for patients wanting some minor restoration at an affordable price.These resins are best for teeth that have little damage or are discolored, and preferably on teeth that are not subjected to high bite pressures.Veneers take longer to produce because a cast of the patient’s mouth is required to create a veneer that fits comfortably and securely.

Veneers can be made from composite resin or porcelain, with porcelain being more durable.Of course, this means that porcelain veneers are more costly, but with proper care, they can certainly outlast a composite resin bond or veneer.Prolonging Your Dental Bond or VeneerVeneers will certainly last longer than dental bonding, but a dental bond that is well taken care of can last up to 10 years.The care involved includes maintaining a healthy oral hygiene routine and clearing out plaque regularly.

A bi-yearly visit to the dentist is also a top notch idea.Additionally, for people who use their teeth to open packages, chew ice or popcorn seeds, eat hard candies, or bite their nails can cause damage to dental bonding and veneers.Dental Bonding or Fillings?If a tooth has been badly damaged by decay or an accident, especially with a particularly deep fissure, a filling in more likely necessary.Fillings function as a dental bond by keeping the tooth together, but they are much stronger than a dental bond and can be used as easily as regular teeth would.This comes from the filling strengthening the tooth from the inside.

This results in a much stronger bond that can possibly last a lifetime.

Ashley Dave 2021-06-22

Protecting teeth from cavities is an important part oral hygiene, and in many cases, good oral hygiene at home isn’t enough.While regular brushing, flossing, and rinsing are strongly encouraged by the American Dental Association, there are still places that these methods can’t clear of bacteria.Bacteria tend to collect in two main places: around the roots of teeth, and in the crevices atop them.

The rough valleys in molars especially are havens for bacteria.Because of how these valleys form in order to grind food, there are a lot of places where bacteria can gather that a toothbrush cannot go.In order to combat this, teeth may need to be sealed.Sealing TeethSealants are most commonly used on the molars, which have a very rough surface.

They can, however, be used on other teeth that have an abnormal valley or a change in shape somewhere.The sealant is a harmless composite resin.

The resin is very similar to plastic, but is BPA free.The primary purpose of the resin is to fill in the grooves of the molars and other teeth that have grooves or pits.Fortunately, this does not adversely affect how well the tooth performs.

Instead, by filling these grooves, the upper surface of the tooth becomes smoother, which makes it much easier to clean with toothbrushes and rinses.The smooth surface makes it very difficult for bacteria to cling to the teeth and be able to grow.Pediatric Benefits of SealingDental sealants are particularly useful in pediatric dentistry as they notably slow the accumulation of bacteria in the mouth for children.Given the sheer number of junk foods, including sodas, candy, and chocolate, among others, it can be very easy to develop a cavity in a child’s tooth.

Sealants help prevent cavities by filling in the areas of teeth most likely to get a cavity.The process of applying a sealant is completely painless and requires no sedation, but sedation dentistry is an option for children who are nervous about the visit.

Ashley Dave 2021-05-05

Keeping up with your regular checkups at your local Houston dentist in the Memorial area will keep your teeth healthy.Dentists strive to prevent disease rather than solely treating it.

It also means that if a problem does arise, your dentist will catch it earlier, making treatment much more effective.Proactive Dental CareOf course, the first part of proactively caring for your teeth is brushing, flossing, and rinsing your teeth at home.

It also helps strengthens your teeth replenishing the minerals that keep teeth strong.

Unfortunately, even with all of these methods, bacteria can still hide out of reach.

One of the most common locations is on top of the molars in the back of your mouth.This area has a rough surface, making it easy for bacteria to take hold.

Professional cleanings target these areas along with many others to get rid of all possible bacteria.Affordable Family DentistryFinding a dentist that not only takes care of your teeth, but your kids’ teeth as well makes it much easier to protect your whole family’s teeth.On top of that, finding an affordable dentist makes it that much easier to go on a regular basis.Naba Dental is Houston’s premier dentist that specializes as an affordable kids dentist in the Memorial Galleria area.

Ashley Dave 2021-06-14

There are so many aspects to taking care of a child.

Everything from how much and what kind of food they eat, how often they need to see a doctor, what sort of vaccinations they need, and how often they see a dentist are all things that should be considered.Seeing a dentist as soon as the first tooth comes in will help familiarize a child with a kid’s dentist in Houston.

This early interaction fosters a trust that will last throughout their lifetime.Beyond building trust, early interactions, especially for mundane checkups, will build a child’s confidence in visiting the dentist, reducing fear.All children are different and what works for one child may not work for another, but a pediatric dentist has many tools to help children feel calm, safe, and secure while at a kids dentist.Introduction to StaffA child’s first visit to the dentist should be a pleasant experience; no drills, needles, or other unpleasantness.

Instead, children should meet the dental staff.By meeting the dental staff, it will imprint friendly faces on the child’s mind, allowing them to feel more comfortable.

Of course, you are welcome to accompany them every step of the way (not that they’d go wandering off on their own if only their first tooth is coming in).If a child is a bit older and is either coming to the dentist for the first time or perhaps the first time in a new location, this meet or greet interaction helps reinforce the friendly and welcoming atmosphere.At most, the only procedures to be done (unless it’s an emergency visit) would be a gentle cleaning and visual examination and x-ray.By only partaking in non-invasive checkups and cleaning, a child’s fear of the dentist will greatly diminish.Removing Fear with Sedation DentistrySince every child is different, has their own personality, likes and dislikes, and personal preferences, it’s not guaranteed that a visit to the dentist and an introduction to the staff will be enough to allay their fear or eliminate fidgeting.For these kinds of situations, pediatric dentists in Houston rely on sedation dentistry.Sedation dentistry is perfectly safe for both children and adults, but there are much stricter guidelines for use with children.Through the use of nitrous oxide or IV sedation, the dentist is able to calm a child and completely eliminate their fear.This can work for just about any situation, from applying dental sealants to performing a filling or root canal.More often than not, nitrous oxide will be used for sedation as it allows the patient to remain completely awake, but in a much calmer, relaxed state.By keeping the patient awake and conscious, the dentist is able to give them instructions during a cleaning or procedure.

But their relaxed state also allows the dentist to complete a lot more work in a shorter amount of time, especially for anxious children.Whenever sedation dentistry is used by a kid’s dentist in Houston, the amount of sedation is continually monitored and adjusted to keep the perfect balance of consciousness and calming relaxation.

Ashley Dave 2021-04-26

Where can you find affordable dentures in Houston?

Dental implants including dentures are a preferred method to restore several lost teeth at once after an accident or decay has taken them.At NABA Dental, we have the expertise to install custom fitted, affordable dentures for you so you can have your smile back.

Our dentures are designed to provide you with a normal appearance of a full set of teeth as well as restoring your bite to normal.Dentures or Dental Bridges?Both dentures and dental bridges are designed to replace lost teeth.

However, dentures can be more cost effective, especially when you need to replace several teeth at once, including all of them if need be.Dental bridges use a crown on two adjacent teeth to suspend a pontic, or false tooth, within a gap.

Several bridges would be necessary to replace numerous lost teeth, and they may not be able to accommodate several lost teeth in a row.On the other hand, partial dentures use a metal framework that relies on leverage against the gums and roof of your mouth to suspend several pontics.

It is more cost effective to have several dental implants mounted on a single framework than one for each gap.Partial or Complete DenturesPartial dentures are designed to replace two or more teeth in your mouth that have been lost.

Ashley Dave 2021-06-14

Tooth decay and accidents cause damage to teeth that is unable to be repaired.

If the damage is left alone, it can provide opportunities for bacteria to cause infections.When this sort of damage occurs, but the core of the tooth is still in good condition, it can be saved through the use of dental crowns.Dental crowns are one of Houston’s foremost restorative dental implants.

So which type of crown is right for you?Material Pros and ConsThere are five types of dental crowns.Temporary CrownPrefabricated stainless steel crowns.Pro: Stainless steel usually works well for patients, even with metal allergies.Con: They are not permanent.

They only serve as an interim protection until a permanent crown is fashioned and installed.All Metal CrownsPrimarily constructed from gold, palladium, nickel, or chromium.Pro: Very durable.

High wear on adjacent teeth.Porcelain-Metal CrownsPorcelain shell over a metal infrastructure.Pro: Natural looking, decent strength.Con: Causes extra wear on adjacent teeth.All Porcelain or Ceramic CrownsCompletely constructed from porcelain or ceramic materials.Pro: Very natural looking can be color matched to existing teeth.

Best used for front teeth.Con: Expensive, noticeably less durable than metal or porcelain-metal crowns.All Resin CrownsResin polymer compound that can restore function at a cost.Pro: Cheapest form of dental crowns.

Ashley Dave 2021-04-10

One of the best treatments for a lost tooth is a dental bridge.

Dental bridges restore the look and feel of a natural tooth that has been lost due to decay or because of an accident.In addition to restoring the appearance of natural teeth, a dental bridge can also restore the function of natural teeth.Dental bridges are made to be a durable, effective replacement for a lost tooth that allows the patient to regain their ability to eat, drink, and speak naturally, while simultaneously giving them the confidence to smile again.Tanglewood Dentist Dental Bridges TreatmentIn order to get a dental bridge, your teeth need to be prepared and an accurate map of them needs to be taken.Your Tanglewood Houston dentist maps your teeth by creating a cast of them.

The cast covers all the surfaces of your teeth and creates a mold from which perfect replicas of your teeth can be made.These replicas help the dental laboratory to create a dental bridge that matches the shape, alignment, and size of your original teeth so it will fit comfortably and snugly.A comfortable fit is important for longevity and to prevent bacterial infections from occurring.To prepare your teeth, the dentist files down the teeth adjacent to the gap, which gives space for a crown to be placed over them?The cast is used to create a dental bridge consisting of a false tooth with crowns on either side that will perfectly fit with your teeth.

Once the dental bridge is complete, which can take a few days to over a week; you will return to the dentist and have it installed.Your Tanglewood dentist will ensure the fit is comfortable before securing the crowns to the anchor teeth.

If it’s not quite right, they’ll make minor adjustments or, if necessary, order a new dental bridge be constructed.Once secured, your dental bridge is complete!

You’ll be able to eat and drink as normal, and taking care of your dental bridge is as simple as brushing and rinsing your teeth.With constant care and regular dental checkups, your dental bridge can last five to ten years, and sometimes even longer.

Ashley Dave 2021-08-04

But, the bottom line is that dental crowns help your smile.

Whether you’ve had a bad cavity or a fractured tooth, dental crowns restore the look and function of a tooth.The Fresh Look of a New Dental CrownOur teeth are very durable, but that doesn’t mean they’re indestructible.

Accidents fracture and even chip teeth.But this damaged tooth doesn’t need to be a permanent look.

Don’t suffer from the pain of a damaged tooth; let the best houston dentist renew your smile.There are three main steps to receiving a dental crown:Preparing the toothConstructing the crownInstalling the crownGetting Your New Dental CrownOn your first visit to the dentist, the doctor prepares your tooth.

When a tooth is extremely decayed, it may require more than a filling to treat.

Dr. Rubab Mirza in Houston offer crowns that protect your teeth and improve your smile.Once the tooth is ready, the dentist creates a cast of your teeth.

Ashley Dave 2021-06-14

There are so many aspects to taking care of a child.

Everything from how much and what kind of food they eat, how often they need to see a doctor, what sort of vaccinations they need, and how often they see a dentist are all things that should be considered.Seeing a dentist as soon as the first tooth comes in will help familiarize a child with a kid’s dentist in Houston.

This early interaction fosters a trust that will last throughout their lifetime.Beyond building trust, early interactions, especially for mundane checkups, will build a child’s confidence in visiting the dentist, reducing fear.All children are different and what works for one child may not work for another, but a pediatric dentist has many tools to help children feel calm, safe, and secure while at a kids dentist.Introduction to StaffA child’s first visit to the dentist should be a pleasant experience; no drills, needles, or other unpleasantness.

Instead, children should meet the dental staff.By meeting the dental staff, it will imprint friendly faces on the child’s mind, allowing them to feel more comfortable.

Of course, you are welcome to accompany them every step of the way (not that they’d go wandering off on their own if only their first tooth is coming in).If a child is a bit older and is either coming to the dentist for the first time or perhaps the first time in a new location, this meet or greet interaction helps reinforce the friendly and welcoming atmosphere.At most, the only procedures to be done (unless it’s an emergency visit) would be a gentle cleaning and visual examination and x-ray.By only partaking in non-invasive checkups and cleaning, a child’s fear of the dentist will greatly diminish.Removing Fear with Sedation DentistrySince every child is different, has their own personality, likes and dislikes, and personal preferences, it’s not guaranteed that a visit to the dentist and an introduction to the staff will be enough to allay their fear or eliminate fidgeting.For these kinds of situations, pediatric dentists in Houston rely on sedation dentistry.Sedation dentistry is perfectly safe for both children and adults, but there are much stricter guidelines for use with children.Through the use of nitrous oxide or IV sedation, the dentist is able to calm a child and completely eliminate their fear.This can work for just about any situation, from applying dental sealants to performing a filling or root canal.More often than not, nitrous oxide will be used for sedation as it allows the patient to remain completely awake, but in a much calmer, relaxed state.By keeping the patient awake and conscious, the dentist is able to give them instructions during a cleaning or procedure.

But their relaxed state also allows the dentist to complete a lot more work in a shorter amount of time, especially for anxious children.Whenever sedation dentistry is used by a kid’s dentist in Houston, the amount of sedation is continually monitored and adjusted to keep the perfect balance of consciousness and calming relaxation.

Ashley Dave 2021-05-07

Dental bridges in Houston remain one of the best ways to replace a lost tooth.

What’s much less common is losing a permanent adult tooth or prematurely losing a baby tooth due to decay, infection, or an accident.There are several factors that contribute to tooth loss.DecayDecay is the most common reason for losing a tooth.

Poor oral hygiene and a lack of vigilant care can cause bacteria to take over a tooth and decay it to a point where it becomes unusable.The pulp and dentin inside the tooth may become plagued by bacteria, causing pain and infections.

If known beforehand, the adjacent teeth can be prepared for a bridge the same day as the extraction.AccidentA severe blow to the head, especially near the mouth, can knock a tooth right out.

If this happens, it is possible to reattach the lost tooth if it is found, kept clean, and preserved in milk until brought to an emergency dental care clinic.

The mouth is a good indicator of health elsewhere in your body.

Ashley Dave 2021-04-26

Where can you find affordable dentures in Houston?

Dental implants including dentures are a preferred method to restore several lost teeth at once after an accident or decay has taken them.At NABA Dental, we have the expertise to install custom fitted, affordable dentures for you so you can have your smile back.

Our dentures are designed to provide you with a normal appearance of a full set of teeth as well as restoring your bite to normal.Dentures or Dental Bridges?Both dentures and dental bridges are designed to replace lost teeth.

However, dentures can be more cost effective, especially when you need to replace several teeth at once, including all of them if need be.Dental bridges use a crown on two adjacent teeth to suspend a pontic, or false tooth, within a gap.

Several bridges would be necessary to replace numerous lost teeth, and they may not be able to accommodate several lost teeth in a row.On the other hand, partial dentures use a metal framework that relies on leverage against the gums and roof of your mouth to suspend several pontics.

It is more cost effective to have several dental implants mounted on a single framework than one for each gap.Partial or Complete DenturesPartial dentures are designed to replace two or more teeth in your mouth that have been lost.

Ashley Dave 2021-03-24

Dental bonding is a restorative measure that fixes a tooth which has been fractured or chipped as a result of decay or an accident.There are a couple types of bonding that can be used, composite resin and veneer bonding.Composite Resin or Veneer?Which method is the best for you?

That depends on a few factors.

Cost, strength, and maintenance all affect how well your dental bonding will perform and how long it will last.Composite resins are a low cost method for bonding teeth, and the ability to color match them to teeth make them a favorable option for patients wanting some minor restoration at an affordable price.These resins are best for teeth that have little damage or are discolored, and preferably on teeth that are not subjected to high bite pressures.Veneers take longer to produce because a cast of the patient’s mouth is required to create a veneer that fits comfortably and securely.

Veneers can be made from composite resin or porcelain, with porcelain being more durable.Of course, this means that porcelain veneers are more costly, but with proper care, they can certainly outlast a composite resin bond or veneer.Prolonging Your Dental Bond or VeneerVeneers will certainly last longer than dental bonding, but a dental bond that is well taken care of can last up to 10 years.The care involved includes maintaining a healthy oral hygiene routine and clearing out plaque regularly.

A bi-yearly visit to the dentist is also a top notch idea.Additionally, for people who use their teeth to open packages, chew ice or popcorn seeds, eat hard candies, or bite their nails can cause damage to dental bonding and veneers.Dental Bonding or Fillings?If a tooth has been badly damaged by decay or an accident, especially with a particularly deep fissure, a filling in more likely necessary.Fillings function as a dental bond by keeping the tooth together, but they are much stronger than a dental bond and can be used as easily as regular teeth would.This comes from the filling strengthening the tooth from the inside.

This results in a much stronger bond that can possibly last a lifetime.

Ashley Dave 2021-06-22

Protecting teeth from cavities is an important part oral hygiene, and in many cases, good oral hygiene at home isn’t enough.While regular brushing, flossing, and rinsing are strongly encouraged by the American Dental Association, there are still places that these methods can’t clear of bacteria.Bacteria tend to collect in two main places: around the roots of teeth, and in the crevices atop them.

The rough valleys in molars especially are havens for bacteria.Because of how these valleys form in order to grind food, there are a lot of places where bacteria can gather that a toothbrush cannot go.In order to combat this, teeth may need to be sealed.Sealing TeethSealants are most commonly used on the molars, which have a very rough surface.

They can, however, be used on other teeth that have an abnormal valley or a change in shape somewhere.The sealant is a harmless composite resin.

The resin is very similar to plastic, but is BPA free.The primary purpose of the resin is to fill in the grooves of the molars and other teeth that have grooves or pits.Fortunately, this does not adversely affect how well the tooth performs.

Instead, by filling these grooves, the upper surface of the tooth becomes smoother, which makes it much easier to clean with toothbrushes and rinses.The smooth surface makes it very difficult for bacteria to cling to the teeth and be able to grow.Pediatric Benefits of SealingDental sealants are particularly useful in pediatric dentistry as they notably slow the accumulation of bacteria in the mouth for children.Given the sheer number of junk foods, including sodas, candy, and chocolate, among others, it can be very easy to develop a cavity in a child’s tooth.

Sealants help prevent cavities by filling in the areas of teeth most likely to get a cavity.The process of applying a sealant is completely painless and requires no sedation, but sedation dentistry is an option for children who are nervous about the visit.

Ashley Dave 2021-06-14

Tooth decay and accidents cause damage to teeth that is unable to be repaired.

If the damage is left alone, it can provide opportunities for bacteria to cause infections.When this sort of damage occurs, but the core of the tooth is still in good condition, it can be saved through the use of dental crowns.Dental crowns are one of Houston’s foremost restorative dental implants.

So which type of crown is right for you?Material Pros and ConsThere are five types of dental crowns.Temporary CrownPrefabricated stainless steel crowns.Pro: Stainless steel usually works well for patients, even with metal allergies.Con: They are not permanent.

They only serve as an interim protection until a permanent crown is fashioned and installed.All Metal CrownsPrimarily constructed from gold, palladium, nickel, or chromium.Pro: Very durable.

High wear on adjacent teeth.Porcelain-Metal CrownsPorcelain shell over a metal infrastructure.Pro: Natural looking, decent strength.Con: Causes extra wear on adjacent teeth.All Porcelain or Ceramic CrownsCompletely constructed from porcelain or ceramic materials.Pro: Very natural looking can be color matched to existing teeth.

Best used for front teeth.Con: Expensive, noticeably less durable than metal or porcelain-metal crowns.All Resin CrownsResin polymer compound that can restore function at a cost.Pro: Cheapest form of dental crowns.

Ashley Dave 2021-05-05

Keeping up with your regular checkups at your local Houston dentist in the Memorial area will keep your teeth healthy.Dentists strive to prevent disease rather than solely treating it.

It also means that if a problem does arise, your dentist will catch it earlier, making treatment much more effective.Proactive Dental CareOf course, the first part of proactively caring for your teeth is brushing, flossing, and rinsing your teeth at home.

It also helps strengthens your teeth replenishing the minerals that keep teeth strong.

Unfortunately, even with all of these methods, bacteria can still hide out of reach.

One of the most common locations is on top of the molars in the back of your mouth.This area has a rough surface, making it easy for bacteria to take hold.

Professional cleanings target these areas along with many others to get rid of all possible bacteria.Affordable Family DentistryFinding a dentist that not only takes care of your teeth, but your kids’ teeth as well makes it much easier to protect your whole family’s teeth.On top of that, finding an affordable dentist makes it that much easier to go on a regular basis.Naba Dental is Houston’s premier dentist that specializes as an affordable kids dentist in the Memorial Galleria area.

Ashley Dave 2021-04-10

One of the best treatments for a lost tooth is a dental bridge.

Dental bridges restore the look and feel of a natural tooth that has been lost due to decay or because of an accident.In addition to restoring the appearance of natural teeth, a dental bridge can also restore the function of natural teeth.Dental bridges are made to be a durable, effective replacement for a lost tooth that allows the patient to regain their ability to eat, drink, and speak naturally, while simultaneously giving them the confidence to smile again.Tanglewood Dentist Dental Bridges TreatmentIn order to get a dental bridge, your teeth need to be prepared and an accurate map of them needs to be taken.Your Tanglewood Houston dentist maps your teeth by creating a cast of them.

The cast covers all the surfaces of your teeth and creates a mold from which perfect replicas of your teeth can be made.These replicas help the dental laboratory to create a dental bridge that matches the shape, alignment, and size of your original teeth so it will fit comfortably and snugly.A comfortable fit is important for longevity and to prevent bacterial infections from occurring.To prepare your teeth, the dentist files down the teeth adjacent to the gap, which gives space for a crown to be placed over them?The cast is used to create a dental bridge consisting of a false tooth with crowns on either side that will perfectly fit with your teeth.

Once the dental bridge is complete, which can take a few days to over a week; you will return to the dentist and have it installed.Your Tanglewood dentist will ensure the fit is comfortable before securing the crowns to the anchor teeth.

If it’s not quite right, they’ll make minor adjustments or, if necessary, order a new dental bridge be constructed.Once secured, your dental bridge is complete!

You’ll be able to eat and drink as normal, and taking care of your dental bridge is as simple as brushing and rinsing your teeth.With constant care and regular dental checkups, your dental bridge can last five to ten years, and sometimes even longer.