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Bruce Crawford
A proficient writer with a strong grip on the concepts of internet and technology. Featured on well-known sites like Business2Community and Inspiration Feed.
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Bruce Crawford 2020-07-22

However, with the internet’s necessity and easy availability, comes the issue of safeguarding our data online.As the advantages of the web have increased tenfold in the past years, loopholes and potential gateways have been created for cybercrimes.

Ranging from hackers eavesdropping on every virtual move of ours, malware, pharming, phishing, ransomware, and botnets are just some of the many threats.The real art lies in making the most of what the internet has to offer without compromising the information we upload to our virtual accounts and for that, you need to have a secure internet connection.

Though difficult and not always successful, internet security issues can be fixed.

However, make sure that the PIN code or password you keep is not an easily guessable one.

Another great way to go about it is to set an automatic lock after a specific time.

If one gets compromised, the hacker can log into other applications using the same code.Install an Anti-virus softwareSome devices have it pre-installed but individuals make the mistake of not updating it.

Bruce Crawford 2020-07-22

However, with the internet’s necessity and easy availability, comes the issue of safeguarding our data online.As the advantages of the web have increased tenfold in the past years, loopholes and potential gateways have been created for cybercrimes.

Ranging from hackers eavesdropping on every virtual move of ours, malware, pharming, phishing, ransomware, and botnets are just some of the many threats.The real art lies in making the most of what the internet has to offer without compromising the information we upload to our virtual accounts and for that, you need to have a secure internet connection.

Though difficult and not always successful, internet security issues can be fixed.

However, make sure that the PIN code or password you keep is not an easily guessable one.

Another great way to go about it is to set an automatic lock after a specific time.

If one gets compromised, the hacker can log into other applications using the same code.Install an Anti-virus softwareSome devices have it pre-installed but individuals make the mistake of not updating it.