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Insomnia - Tips to Cure Insomnia Naturally

Jessy Meshak
Insomnia - Tips to Cure Insomnia Naturally

The goal to stop snoring is to ensure Zz Snore Review that the air passages have enough space to avoid certain parts involved in breathing to collide and vibrate during sleep. If you sleep flat on your back, your jaw is more likely to fall back bringing the uvula, the soft palate and the back of the tongue and throat closer together.

When conscious, the person makes  an effort to avoid snoring in this position, but it takes some muscle control to do so. On the other hand, when the person is sleeping, these muscles relax and leave the loose parts to collide with one another. Consequently, the air moves more quickly through the narrowed passageway and anything loose or dangling vibrates producing the snoring sound.

The recommended ideal sleeping position is the semi-fetal, i.e. lying on your side in a semi tucked position. This is similar to the sitting position, only horizontal. A small pillow placed between your knees to avoid straining the upper hip is also recommended if necessary. It is important that the neck is not tilted upwards or downwards. This causes strain on the neck and would defeat the purpose of changing your position in the first place you want to make sure you do not narrow the air passage. The head and neck should be as horizontally in line with the rest of the spinal column as possible. Experiment until you have found the right pillow height to achieve this.

To ensure that the snorer stays in the favourable positions all night, the first thing we need is to make the person comfortable in their new position. The Anti Snore Pillow is designed specifically for this purpose. There are different models to choose from, but you need to make sure you get the proper height and comfort so you are not tempted into changing positions at night. If necessary, for added comfort, you may also want to purchase a smaller pillow for the knees as described above.


Jessy Meshak
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