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Let The Potter Have the Clay

Jessy Meshak
Let The Potter Have the Clay

In order to spread this seed Dream Life Mastery Review rather than let it become obscured by time, Paul appeared and when he was knocked off his horse on the way to Damascus, Jesus revealed to him that he, like himself, was divine also and that in fact all humans are divine beings having a human experience. However, this was too much for him to fathom. Paul had been strictly raised to obey a Law that he despised because it forbade him to express himself in ways he felt drawn to.

Later as a Temple guard, believing himself to be a victim, he projected the anger and frustration he held towards himself onto Jesus' followers by persecuting and murdering them. He was justified and filled up by a desire for power and attention, and because of the tremendous amount of guilt and shame he harbored from carrying out such actions, he simply could not accept that he was divine.

Had Paul been willing to accept his divinity, he could have tapped into a level of compassion that was capable of transcending all his guilt and shame, allowing for inner healing to occur. This in fact was the potential Jesus had brought to humanity upon his arrival with his proclamation and example of being divine. But, being unable to take responsibility for his own dark emotions, Paul instead chose to continue seeking deliverance from them on the outside by projecting this responsibility onto another Jesus through formulating his saved by the blood theology. In effect, this meant that Paul was largely responsible for causing the potential Jesus had brought to in fact become obscure, while managing to spread the news of Jesus' appearance, which did allow the gift he brought to be kept alive, though only as a seed, waiting for a day when humans would be ready to finally accept it fully.

What we see in his written word is his desperate desire for Jesus to heal him. We also see a belief in the need to suffer to earn God's approval, which was his version of making sacrifices to appease his God. But, despite his new found conviction in having a savior, his need to be justified and filled up by a desire for power and attention had not changed because he still held onto his guilt and shame and this compelled him to spread his strong belief in Jesus in a rather dogmatic way. No one could negotiate with him, so convinced he was that he was right. That's how desperate he was and it also shows what an amazing alchemist he was that he could transmute so much energy into the creation of a new doctrine.


Jessy Meshak
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