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How to extend the life of a car battery?

Christopher Glaze
How to extend the life of a car battery?

Car batteries are a vital part of an automobile. Batteries are the basic element needed to keep your car running. Thus, it is very important to know when you should consider changing your battery. 


The life span of a car battery


On average a car battery has a life span of 2 to 5 years. Weather affects the life span of a battery in a major way. An engine that is running already gets heated up due to high levels of heat. On top of that if it is kept out in a scorching day that can result in severe battery drainage. This can, in turn, lead to increased chances of a dead battery. Thus, one should take proper summer care of the batteries. 


During the hot weather, the fluids in the batteries might get evaporated, causing damage to the internal structure of the battery. Hence, the average battery life is shorter in a hot climate. So when you consider the life span of your battery count in the weather as well. Looking for batteries Flatrock? Keep the basics in mind before choosing the best places.


But, irrespective of the weather the battery life can be extended if proper care is taken. Check out some tips to extend the life of a battery.


  1. Reduce short rides - a short ride would prevent your car from getting fully charged. The frequent you drive your car and for an extended period, the better your car’s battery power would be. In case you take out your car less often consider purchasing a battery charger. The battery chargers can help jumpstart your battery without any need for another vehicle in case you are stranded.
  2. Fasten your battery properly - A battery that is not placed properly might vibrate. This can result in internal damage and even short circuits. Make sure that you check your battery frequently especially if you drive on bumpy roads. 
  3. Don’t forget to turn off lights when you exit - If you forget to turn off the lights while you exit it can be harmful to your vehicle’s battery life. Make arrangements so that you never forget to turn off the lights when you leave your car.
  4. Look after the corrosion - Battery terminals get corroded with time. If you can keep them clean from buildup then it can help extend the life of your car battery. Scrub the terminals using a toothbrush dipped in a mixture of baking soda and water. After that, use a spray bottle with cold water and rinse the mixture off. Finally, clean it with a dry and clean cloth. 
  5. Avoid using electronics - Make a habit to turn off the electronics like radio or air conditioner when the engine is not running. As this can damage your battery power. If this goes on for an extended period then it can cause serious damage to your battery. Still, looking for Batteries Trenton? Well, don’t wait for it anymore. End your search as some of the best options are available in Trenton.
  6. Care for your entire car - Your car has many parts. It is important to equally care for all the parts of your car. All of these parts work together. As a result, make sure to take it for frequent checkups. The battery is just one such component that needs good care. There are other parts as well that need proper and a good amount of care to be used for the long term. 
Christopher Glaze
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